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Of the Summer Olympic Closing Ceremonies and Muse



Last night, I watched the Summer Olympics' closing ceremonies on NBC. I must say I haven't a clue how the British planned it all. From dancers in multicolored garb to Fat Boy Slim atop a giant inflatable octopus to Eric Idle of Monty Python fame shuffling with Indian dancers, it was all (to use a term the British themselves might use) quite barking mad.


There were some highlights. A band whose name I forget did a cover of The Who my mom deemed "pretty good"; Ed Sheeran's cover of "Wish You Were Here" with former members of Pink Floyd was pleasant; and Eric Idle's performance of "Always Look on the Bright Side of Life" provided great laughs.


The real reason I watched the two-and-a-half-hour ceremonies was because of Muse's performance. True, a single band's performance doesn't make or break the Olympics, but Muse, aside being one of my favorite bands, wrote and recorded the theme song for the London 2012 Summer Olympics, "Survival".


Muse didn't show all night. My mom and I dug through the internet and found Muse had performed live. We also found that I hadn't turned on the broadcast too late; NBC had simply cut Muse out.


Yes, you read that right. NBC. Cut. Muse.


I understand some Americans -- and probably some Englishmen -- don't like "Survival"; some probably don't like Muse at all. Maybe some also don't like Adele, whose performance also seems to have been cut. The problem is, some Americans also don't like One Direction or Taio Cruz or numerous other artists whose performances were aired.


To put it bluntly, NBC's editorial decisions were just as barking mad as the rest of the Olympic closing ceremony.


At least 'twas fun to watch.


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NBC butchered their broadcasts during the entier Games. They really screwed up a lot of times. And hopefully they'll pay for it and in 2016 we'll have somebody better or they'll do it better.


And at least given time zones then, they should have NO EXCUSE for not airing things live then. >_>

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Didn't NBC say they were going to broadcast the closing ceremony live? I assumed that would mean unedited during primetime, but I guess I was wrong. As much as I don't like Muse, I would have much preferred them to Russel Brand. He had no business being up there at all.


Also, Adele didn't preform at the ceremony. Neither did Elton John, much to my disappointment.

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It's frustrating too that the year they botched so much stuff in how they showed it was the year that they actually had some really fantastic announcers who knew what they were talking about for the competitions for once. Hopefully they will at least continue that in 2016, because it's nice to listen to announcers who know the difference between events and are able to explain them in understandable terms.

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I'd have cut the Jessie J/Tinie Tempah/Taio Cruz bit in favour of Muse, because it was just a really weird group of people to put together, and they probably won't be well known in, say, 5 years.


Also, gotta love Ed Sheeran. And Eric Idle, but that's obvious.


- Tilius

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