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LSO Epics Prizes



My latest pilfering from BZPower appeared today in my mailbox with a hastily-drawn question mark next to the address (the package was titled to "Legolover-361"; if only I could have seen the mailman's face). It contained four items: a Kanohi Vahi, a silver Kanohi Miru, a gold Kanohi Akaku, and a pink slip of paper with a lavender note of congratulation.


My gratitude goes to both Hahli Husky and my LSO Epics teammates. Thanks to the former for shipping the prizes and the latter for making me look good enough to receive them.


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Yeah, I decided to go ahead and write your member name, since I didn't have your real name and didn't have time to get it, and see what happened. Also to troll the US postal system. X3


You are welcome!!

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You're welcome LL! XD


But srsly, you're awesome. I'm the one who tagged along with all the great writers.


Now I'm wishing I hadn't told HH my real name; it would have made everything way more interesting.


"Who's... Fullmetal Eyrchamist?"


"How do you even pronounce that?"


"Must be a terrorist or something. What's in the package?"



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You have to realize, Aderia, that my mom is generally the one who first happens upon the package. I don't know what she would say to a package addressed to Gertrude. :P

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I got mine in the mail just the other day too. Probably for the best I put my name on it, my roommate would be really confused as to why we're getting envelopes with Lego masks in the mail. :P

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