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A Day of Remembrance

Nuile the Paracosmic Tulpa


Eleven years. Was it really that long ago? . . . And yet, was it truly so recent?


Eleven years. I was a mere child. I had no idea what was going on. It didn't affect me.


Now I look back, I recollect the memories of others; and I think. I wonder: What are we really remembering here?


An evil deed. A horrific tragedy. A good deed. A great wonder.


An evil deed. I won't delve into that. Iniquitous men sacrificed themselves for their beliefs; it's a twisted act of distorted heroism. But while there is a nobility in war, in fighting for your country, terrorism is an act of cowardice.


A horrific tragedy. People died--good people, bad people; but innocent people. But all life ends, after all. It was untimely and tragic, but I've never been one to lament for the dead. They've moved on to a better place. So let's dig a little deeper at the truly great things this day stands for.


A good deed. I recall the story of the plane that didn't hit its target; of the people who . They died not as villains, not as victims, but as heroes. Veritable, real-life heroes.


A great wonder. What really happened that day was not a falling apart but a pulling together. People died, but an army stepped forward; a tower fell, but a nation rose to the challange. What really happened was we proved, as we have proved time and again, that we are America, and that there is only one of us.


Eleven years. Eleven years of recovering, of pulling together, of falling apart; of generally doing what we always do, what we have always done. We are America; we're one great family. We have our disagreements, we may not always get along, at times we may find ourselves unable to stand one another; but when the going gets tough, we pull together, and we pull through. We are the United States. We share one heart, one destiny; one nation.


Eleven years ago many people were killed. They deserve their moment of silence, and I won't deny them that. The heroes, the victims; let's honor them all.


. . .


That day, eleven years ago, was a shadow. But shadows serve to prove that the light is truly there, and not a mere illusion.


Sincerely, Nuile: Lunatic Wordsmith


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