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Who Is the Real Me?... And you



I don't know about you, but as much as I am the same as my internet self in real life, i am also very different. Confused? So am I!

I guess what I'm trying to question here, is... who is the real me?


I'm a shy person. You wouldn't think that of me if you meant me on the street. My confidence is a massive deceit. My voice projects itself in a confident way, and my body language is anything but reclusive. The only thing is though, is that my eyes tell a completely different tale. I find it really hard to make eye contact with... most people really, if I am conscience of it. My real life self thinks of all theses great amazing things to say, but my mouth wont let me say them. No one even knows about my love for Bionicle, yet obviously, you all do. However as an internet version of myself, i have no such boundaries. My real life self is actually a lot of the things I hate. Puposlly hiding things about your self, just to fit into the "norm"


Does that mean I'm more my self behind a computer screen? Or is my social awkwardness just part of my personalty?


What do you think BZP?


And what about your self? How do you differ from the Internet, to real life


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Story of my life. Except appearing to be confident in person. Depends who I'm talking to on that basis. I can do confident over the phone, although that might just be shouting. :P

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Story of my life. Except appearing to be confident in person. Depends who I'm talking to on that basis. I can do confident over the phone, although that might just be shouting. :P

I am confident with people I dont "need" to make an impression on

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(I know how you feel, sorta. When in person I not only avoid eye contact, but also manage to stutter, speak quietly and trail off on what I'm saying. I get the idea I'm not a fun stranger to talk to. :P)


(I guess the easiest part is when online, you have time to plan what you're saying, think and then revise it. Whereas in real life, you're put more on the spot. So computer-you is you but with a little more preparation time.)

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(I know how you feel, sorta. When in person I manage to stutter, speak quietly and avoid eye contact. I get the idea I'm not a fun stranger to talk to. :P)


(I guess the easiest part is when online, you have time to plan what you're saying, think and then revise it. Whereas in real life, you're put more on the spot.

That's true. Although I think there is a certain "I dont really care what you think of me" on the internet

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In real life I have this incredibly abrasive over-the-top manner to complement my insights into various topics and my vast store of trivia. I get the feeling it annoys most people. Oddly, I'm always a lot shyer when on the phone or online with someone (even a close friend) than I am when talking to a stranger in real life.

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:kaukau: I think you're just better able to express your thoughts. It doesn't make you a different person: you just find that you have a different way of interacting between environments. I don't see myself as being different people between my blog and my regular life either, just that I've found more than one way of expressing myself. My blog and my comments on other blogs is basically me typing out my thoughts in a slightly more organized matter than I would in real life, where I say more or less the same things to express the same core thoughts.


Meanwhile, if you knew me, you would know that I don't really care about the norm so much. I do, in a sense, and I really went with the flow for my senior year of high school, but I don't let social norms dictate the ways I express myself when I deem it necessary. I love bowties and Superman. Most people know that. They may not be what everyone else is into, but the world weary know that not everyone can be the same. Some people have asked me "Why?", as in "Why are you like this?" I tell them that it's because I'm just that guy.


We're all different. The sooner you realize that the sooner you'll be comfortable with expressing yourself. Look at the person across the hallway and realize that he or she also has some unique interests that you might not be interested in. Maybe football isn't your thing, but that doesn't stop you from judging people who find that athletics is part of their identity. Then there are people who are into anime, which I think is weird, but I guess there will always be people who will enjoy anime so I shrug it off. It doesn't define them, and they have every right to have their own interests. It would be boring if all my friends were too much like me, and I like it when they're open about their interests so that I know more about them. In fact there's a girl I'm thinking of asking out on a non-romantic date just because I have a hunch that she's completely different than me and has interests and views that I won't think are cool, but I want to find them out anyway because I don't want her to just be a face in the hallway. I want to know her better, just as I want to know everyone better in this new setting.


This diversity is good. It makes us more world weary if we are aware of it and it lets us better know how to handle each other. When you add in your own diversity, you attract new sorts of people. For example, I never would have attracted the friendship of multiple nerds if I hadn't worn bowties, and I have started many superhero debates by wearing my Superman shirts. That taught me something about the interests of others, and I never would have learned these things if I hadn't dared to express myself first.


Just some thoughts. I hope you find them beneficial.



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