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FRINGE Friday - Mixed Bag Edition

Jedi Master J.


Hey, folks. As you know, today is Friday, so I am here to give you all another random post-hype entry after watching FRINGE tonight.


Obviously I am not going to talk heavily about episode here since I don't want to spoil things for you folks that miss it tonight. If I had to say anything about tonight's episode, it was that it was mostly breather episode, so it did not pull the plot too much along. That's not say it wasn't a good episode as it did have good character moments in it and it is helping to flesh out details more about this Observer ruled future. *shrugs*


But anyway, outside of watching FRINGE today, I also got the chance to read part 3 of the Promise since it finally got shipped to me from Amazon. For those that don't know, the Promise is a trilogy of graphic novels set in the Avatar (The Last Airbender) universe and it tell us about the aftermath of war with Aang and his friends.


And well, in my opinion, it does a great job of adapting the show's universe to a comic series. I wouldn't say the adaption is perfect though cause sometimes the characters don't behave exactly how expect them to (In particularly, Aang and Katara seem to come off this way to me at times in this series. Part 3 did seem to do better job with their characters though.). I also wasn't too happy about the Zuko's mother mystery not playing more of a role in this series.


Thankful though, it has been confirmed that next trilogy of graphics novel will be dealing with that mystery, so I am happy about that. That and we get see Azula again, so that should be a fun series to read. But man, it really makes me wish they could of adapt these comics into episodes. :( Oh, well, at least we are getting something.


In other news, Pokemon Black 2 and White 2 come out this Sunday and man, I excited to get my hands on it. I am not sure what starter to pick though as I really rather not pick the same starter from my Black version (Tepig). Who would you folks suggest I pick? Just curious is all.


Alright, since it is getting late now and I got work in morning, I guess I will be calling this entry and posted it. Thanks for taking the time to read this and I hope you all have a good day. Good Night, BZPers.


- JMJ 2012


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I'm picking Oshawott, if only because last time I picked Snivy and Aanchir picked Tepig. Aanchir doesn't seem too intent on getting White 2 any time soon (having not played his White Version in ages, besides briefly going on to obtain Keldeo).

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@Kohaku: Aw....Oshawott is such a cutie there.




*looks at the other comments* Well, it looks like I am going with Oshawott then, which to be honest was what I was planning on picking anyway. So yeah, your comments didn't really change my decision at all. XD


Thanks though to everyone for commenting here. :) I greatly appreciated your input, folks.


- JMJ 2012

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The Promise was awesome. That scene where Katara finally explains what she meant when she said she saw the people in the colony? Heartwarming.


Also the resolution between Aang and Roku? HOLY WOW.


Not to mention that awesome hook for The Journey. I want it now. The only thing I want more is Korra season 2.



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