Well. I think I'm out of excuses. I've been gone for months with nary a peep as to my whereabouts. (Is that how you spell it? I don't know.)
What's been happening, you may ask? Well, sort of a weird combination of business, distraction, and just being lazy. Last June, Gabriella and I both graduated from the college where we went together, and I moved back home, where I spent most of the summer looking for jobs as well as applying for graduate school. This kept me pretty busy for those few months. Then, toward the end of August, I got a part-time offer for work and started working there, which keeps me busy Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays for the most part. This was where the laziness came in. I was so busy those three days that all the other stuff I like to do (reading, watching movies, playing video games, etc.) started becoming higher priority for me on the off days when I didn't get to do them, so BZPower sort of fell off the wayside. In addition, I just simply forgot about it. A lot.
Long story short, I have no idea where my schedule might lead me next, but for now, it's fairly regular. I may not have as much time as I'd like to do all the things that I'd like, but I'll try not to forget about BZP again. I updated Hack Wars with a new (fairly long) chapter, and on Wednesday I'll try to have a new TNI or AM! chapter (depending on which comes next in the crossover) up. Hopefully it'll stay more regular from now on, and I'll try to stick as close to the schedule from the last blog entry as I can (though Tuesdays and Thursdays are now out for obvious reasons, and Friday's chapter may have to get moved to Saturday). My apologies once again and here's hoping it actually works out this time!
Lewa0111 Nuva
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