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I Wish I'd Had Time To Write This Earlier



Okay, so yesterday I woke up early to go to an early church service in the cold, at a place called Missionary Rock. I'm not very religious, but I felt like seeing the church officials, like our pastor and our minister, because they're very nice people. Then I went back home and tried to sleep, then went downstairs and existed. Later, we left for our cousin's house in Marshfield. It was a while getting there, as usual, as Boston traffic is heavy on any holiday morning, or Sunday morning for that matter. So we got there, and we were the first there. I greeted my aunt and cousins, and their yippy Bichon Frisch, Rodney. Later on, my grandparents on my dad's side of the family, who are the parents of my aunt who we were visiting, came, and it was great seeing them again. We had Baked Lays with onion dip and other chips and dip... Mmm, Baked Lays go great with Onion Dip, never forget that. It was H*lluva Good Onion dip, and yes, that is the brand name, no need for censorship. So my uncle also came with them coz he lives with them (he's a postal worker where they live), and one of the best things was holding discussions about such topics as politics and TV. It was really fun, and on the way home (which was a long trip, due to traffic), we listened to a show that plays after 5:00 on Saturdays and Sundays on one radio station called 'Kid's Playground' which plays popular kids tunes. It wasn't bad, really. I've always enjoyed listening to it.


School today was mediocre. I had a math quiz, and I think I actually understood it. Wow. We just switched, it takes me ages to catch up every time we change what type of math we're learning.


I had a Fuddruckers burger for dinner. Deeeelicious.


And my other uncle on my dad's side, who lives in Colorado, dropped by for a while ago tonight coz he was on the way to a business thing. It was a surprise, since we wouldn't be seeing him til we went to Cape Cod in July normally. So he hung around and we all chatted with him, and it was great seeing him again. He left with my dad for a bar a while ago, where of course they're enjoying some drinks. I'll be in bed by the time he and my dad are back (if my uncle's back, he might go to his hotel after the bar instead of coming here and then leaving for it), but really, it's great seeing a family member you don't get the chance to see often. Our family's last visit to Colorado was in 2004, so since then we've just seen each other on Cape Cod. Which is also the only place we see our cousins from South Carolina, once a year.

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