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Top 5 PS2 Games



Straight off, once again saying these are all games I own. I don't feel I can judge any game I don't own. An interesting selection none the less I think.


Taipu1's Top 5 PS2 Games


#5 - Simpsons Hit and Run

At number 5 is probably one of the most popular PS2 games ever. I don't know anyone who owned a PS2, and didn't have hit and run. It was the first game I ever played on PS2 as well, way before I owned a PS2 myself. The appeal for me is being able to see a bit more of the world the Simpsons live in, I do like free roam games.


#4 - Crazy Taxi

Never really known how well known this game is, I came across it when we stayed in a holiday cottage with a PS2 (Again before I had a PS2) and my whole family loved it. I liked the freedom you had on the map, the fact you could just drive down a set of stairs and into a subway station, onto the rail track, and then off down the tunnels. Also loved the fact that no matter how horrific a crash you had, the car was never harmed any way. Oh and you could drive into the ocean and out into the harbour, where for some reason there were people trying to pick up a Taxi underwater! A really quirky game, definitely.


#3 - Star Wars Battlefront

I owned this after I got Star Wars Battlefront 2, and I was amazed at some of the features that were dropped for the sequel. Prone, maps like Rhen Var and Bespin, Tanks in Mos Eisley, seemingly invincible, but stupid, Jedi. That last one may have been a good thing to change, but overall my second favourite shooter of all time ;)


#2 - TOCA Race Driver 3

This was the last PS2 game I bought, must have been only a year before I got my Xbox 360, and could get more recent games. That said, TOCA race driver offered a lot as a driving simulation. I often compare it to Forza 3 and 4 which I have on Xbox, and it has a lot of advantages over it. The diversity in racing genres for a start, Forza offers only track driving in enclosed wheel cars. TOCA had open wheel, off road, and even lawnmower racing. My personal favourite from it was the Ariel Atom, which I would spend hours lapping with my racing wheel. The atom is definitely something lacking from Forza, and why I still occassionally break out the PS2.


#1 - Star Wars Battlefront II

Did I make it too obvious earlier? Best game ever. If I could only have one video game for the rest of my life, it would be SWBFII. I play Call of Duty more these days, but that stresses me out a bit sometimes, there's no pressure to do well in Battlefront II, and when I play it, I never get angry or stressed out. I play, I enjoy and I win. Now where's Number 3?


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Good. Star wars battlefront and Battlefront 2 are at/near the top of this list. You are very wise, even though you didn't mention Battlestar Galactica.

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I've never played Battlestar Galactica, and it's very much a sentimental list, although SWBattlefronts are definitely deserving, whatever the context.

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Battlefront, Battlefront II, and The Simpsons Hit and Run I all own... on the Xbox, but I still own them nonetheless.



Still fun to play, and I have a bit of a tradition of playing Hit and Run from the 24-31 of the month since I was 10.

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