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Mahri Rant #2



I've been meaning to post this since we found the instrucitons, but a whole lot else has hindered my amount of time.


Anyway -- upon seeing the building instructions for the Toa Mahri, I've noticed comments praising them. I knew this would happen. Just like Umbra, just like the Inika, probably going to be just like Gadunka: people despise them, then they love the EXACT SAME THING, WHERE NOTHING HAS CHANGED, once Lego simply shifts their poses.


I, however, remain adamant and am still unimpressed. I'm done sugar coating everything. It's a bit hard to like something when all they are are mixes between the two sets of canister sets from the year before, with new masks and weapons. Yup. All I see are hybrids of Inika and Piraka with haphazardly-designed armor. Jaller, for example: He IS Jaller Inika. All they did was replace his shoulder armor with Inika thigh armor, slap some armor on his chest and give him unnecessary tubes and a gatling gun. The sole redeeming feature is his mask, which is cool because of it's design and the fact that it's two-toned. Hahli's the same -- a backwards Piraka torso with Inika limbs attached.


I just keep wondering why. Why does Kongu not have his own unique weapon? Why does he have a translucent, neon green fish bowl on the back of his head? Why is Nuparu completely jet black and has a silver and blue mask? Why does Matoro, who is blue and white and silver, have neon orange eyes? Why does Hewkii's "mask" look like one of Mantax's soldiers latched itself on his head? Aren't masks supposed to cover one's entire face? Why does Hahli have wings? I know what Greg said, but fins shouldn't look like something you fly with. Why does Jaller have completely flat armor on his upper arms?


I didn't even need to see the instructions -- save for weapons and masks (and, in Jaller's case, armor), I could build them with what I have by looking at the pictures. I understand that Lego's trying to stop the clone sets, and that's a VERY good thing. But if they're positively horrendus, they could look like they're not even of the same world, without a single unique similarity between them all, sales won't go up.


First group of canister sets ever that I will not buy a single one. I'd rather have decent-looking clone sets than differentiated sets that look like a three-year-old built.


I'm gonna leave this one closed. I've seen all I need to see and heard all I need to hear. Only two of these have redeemable features, and only one each (Jaller's mask and Hahli's wings). Sorry, I love all of the other sets this year, including all the titans (Gadunka, Maxilos, Hydraxon and Karzahni), but I just cannot bring myself to like this things.


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