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Friday Of Doom!





But I don't really believe in this bad luck stuff. I believe that there's something weird with the number thirteen, but not Friday the Thirteenth. And today proved it!


I have never liked my chemistry class. Not so much the class itself, more the teacher. She has no idea how to teach. But today was different. Since we're doing chemical reactions, we used graham crackers, marshmallows and Hershey bars to make s'mores as an example. Woo! Heh, everytime I think of s'mores, I keep thinking of that movie "The Sandlot". That movie's great.


Anyway, that's not all! I haven't done so great in Chemistry (see: teacher). We had a big project thing about science in the news and worked on it all month (probably more). Well, I got it back today with a grade. Will my GPA for the class drop lower or rise at long last?


100% BABY! Too bad I botched the test we took, though. :P Ah well, the project counted for more.


Heh, kind of ironic that today, and in the year when Mata Nui dies, I discover a really sweet Nightwish song called "End of All Hope". Mata Nui's death, Friday the Thirteenth, "End of All Hope". Hmm...


Good to see Lady Kopaka back, though. Writing is still booming once more. Probably gonna write some more tonight or tomorrow. Oh! And I have something to show Watashi Wa, but it'll have to wait till tomorrow -- I can't put it down!

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I don't usually believe in all that hokus pokus either. My dad has been darn well, no school, just me playing around on the computer, my art is going well also! Glad you got a good day.


I have that song End of All Hope, it's awesome. :D Poor Mata Nui though... ;-;


Glad to be back myself, I just started writing on a Short Story too!

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