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[Updated] Hip Action Figures of the Week: More Pokemon!



So there's a toy show going on in Japan for Tamashii Nations. And they're showing off their new D-Arts. :biggrin:


I showed you Mewtwo already. Well now here's Charizard!




Blastoise and Venusaur are above them (and you can even see their feet), but no pics yet.


They also apparently have a Pikachu in there somewhere.


And on a related note, there's also apparently a ton of new Digimon D-Arts somewhere. My wallet is going to despise me next year...




And here they are! Venusaur and Blastoise, folks!







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OH MY GOD. Though Charizard doesn't look as good. Still, MEWTWO. I wonder, if Mewtwo includes Mew, that Charizard will include Charmander, and Blastoise Squirtle etc. That'd be cool.


Don't suppose there are any more Nintendo Figmas being shown? Pit must be finished by now, surely? I really want them to do Fox McCloud, do you think that's likely?


- Tilius

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If it were a general toy show, Pit would probably be on display. But it's just Tamashii Nations, and they don't make Figmas.


Mew not being in this shot worries me actually.


And Charizard looks better to me. But it does look like his articulation is understandably more limited.

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Wow, the poseability of those figures looks amazing!


The only flaw I see of either fig, and it's a tiny one at that, is that Mewtwo's legs look a tad stubby. Normally he's portrayed with such long and powerful legs, yet here he appears to need his tail to even stand up. :P


Still, great find, ET!



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Wow, the poseability of those figures looks amazing!


The only flaw I see of either fig, and it's a tiny one at that, is that Mewtwo's legs look a tad stubby. Normally he's portrayed with such long and powerful legs, yet here he appears to need his tail to even stand up. :P


Still, great find, ET!



Huh. No, I think that's actually a pretty good point about Mewtwo. His legs do look a bit too small.




But all of them are Gen1... =/

I think it's because they're testing the waters. They need to see if these will sell, and these guys are the most popular. If Mewtwo and Charizard don't sell well, we might not even ever see Venusaur or Blastoise.


But I will not be surprised if, in a few months, we see Lucario or other starters as well.




Also, we now have what may be Mewtwo's price: 3800 yen. Even if not true, it sounds like a good estimate.

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ton of new Digimon D-Arts


Okay this is all nice and all (I do like that Charizard) but please do tell.


*Please be Frontier Digimon please be Frontier Digimon please be Frontier Digimon please be Frontier Digimon*

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No pics yet, just a supposed list of a lot of figures, many of which are being proven true.


My source is offline right now so can't get the full one...


But I remember Paildramon, Imperialdramon, and Gallantmon Crimson Mode.


Sorry, Frontier's just not that popular. :P It's personally my least favorite so I wouldn't be excited for them anyways...

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I like Frontier for the most part. Vritramon and Garummon are like WarGreymon and MetalGarurumon on awesome steroids. I'd kill for figures of either. (Though is MetalGarurumon ever even going to be released?)


Not really interested in any of those three, though. Paildramon is okay and Imperialdramon is cool, but if we were going to get a V-mon form I would prefer Fladramon.


And Crimson Mode Dukemon is awesome, but I'm not really looking to buy another Dukemon. Now if they only came up with a SaintGargomon...

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Got the list:





Crimson Gallantmon

Agumon & Gabumon




Again, none are proven yet, but if Metalgarurumon is there, it's a good sign he's finally coming out.


I get that those two were throwbacks to WarGreymon and MetalGarurumon... But I didn't think they were good throwbacks I guess.


I had some small toys of both Imperialdramon's forms as a kid. I freakin loved those things. Regardless of which one is released (though I'd guess Fighter Mode), I'll buy it in a second for the nostalgia.


Yeah I'm not crazy about Crimson Mode Dukemon/Gallantmon either. Same reason I haven't gotten BlackWarGreymon. Well that and his price tag, but still. Different version of same character. Not as cool anymore.

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These are really nice, though I probably won't get them unless they're really cheap. I wouldn't pay the same amount I'd pay for the Link Figma, but they're still nice. I'd probably buy a Typhlosion though, so I hope they release one. Also Snorlax, but that'd be toooo big.


- Tilius

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