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So my university just cancelled classes because of Hurricane Sandy.


They are notorious for never cancelling classes. Ever.


I might actually be a little worried now...




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Some forecasters are saying Sandy could make Katrina look positively wimpy in comparison, so yeah, it's not really surprising classes are canceled everywhere.

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And you believe them Zarkan? The news has drastically blown the only 2 storms this year out of proportion. Isaac, and now this one. And being a person that went through Isaac earlier this year, that was FAR less damaging than ANYONE predicted. Sandy isn't even as strong as Isaac was If I recall correctly. Granted I hear tell that Sandy will run into an Arctic front, and I've never been through that so I would not know. But going off of general hurricane experience, I can say people are blowing this whole thing out of proportion.

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Just did a tiny bit of research and the last time was in 2007. So it's been a few years since there was a day of cancelled classes.


Yeah I'm not surprised either. And frankly I might not have even gone to any tomorrow if they hadn't.


And I'll do my best to stay safe, don't worry. ;)

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And you believe them Zarkan? The news has drastically blown the only 2 storms this year out of proportion. Isaac, and now this one. And being a person that went through Isaac earlier this year, that was FAR less damaging than ANYONE predicted. Sandy isn't even as strong as Isaac was If I recall correctly. Granted I hear tell that Sandy will run into an Arctic front, and I've never been through that so I would not know. But going off of general hurricane experience, I can say people are blowing this whole thing out of proportion.


Really? From what I remember, Isaac caught a lot of people off guard and did tremendous amounts of damage to infrastructure in areas like Vermont (where I went to college a week after the storm) which typically aren't affected by hurricanes. I wonder if a little more hype might have helped spur the local governments there into preparing? So what if the storm doesn't live up to the hype? Better to be overprepared than underprepared any day.


And considering the kind of damage reported so far from New York City (the most populous city in the country), I'd say the predictions about this storm weren't too far off.

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Aye, my friend in Maryland got hit pretty hard too. Tree down on his house.


Where I am nothing really happened though...

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