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:kaukau: I'm optimistic. Let's hope I'm right. I could be wrong, but hey, this is Star Wars.


Clearly, though, this is the biggest to hit the world of pop culture in over a decade.



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Just because Disney knows what makes a good movie doesn't mean they'll know how to make a Star Wars movie. It might be a very good film, but out-of-place in the universe.


Either way, I don't envision the series as ever being the same.

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With all the reboots of 70's-80's movies, this was basically inevitable. I'm not saying it will be a reboot, but chances are Disney is going to rewrite the original films to some capacity to make their films fit.


but see if Disney takes notice at all they'll sign Joss Whedon or Christopher Nolan on to direct this thing because Avengers or Batman and it will actually be the greatest Star Wars film ever.


I agree that the series will never bee the same, and I'm certainly conflicted about the decision, but the idea of an entirely new Star Wars film that's not just milking nostalgia is actually pretty exciting.

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From the Wikipedia page:

The focus would be on Luke Skywalker’s journey to becoming the premier Jedi knight, with Luke's sister (who was not Leia) appearing in Episode VIII, and the first appearance of the Emperor, and Luke's ultimate confrontation with him, in Episode IX (a storyline as planned pre-1980, according to A New Hope and Empire Strikes Back producer Gary Kurtz).


So Disney is killing the basic fact that Leia is Luke's sister.

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From the Wikipedia page:



The focus would be on Luke Skywalker’s journey to becoming the premier Jedi knight, with Luke's sister (who was not Leia) appearing in Episode VIII, and the first appearance of the Emperor, and Luke's ultimate confrontation with him, in Episode IX (a storyline as planned pre-1980, according to A New Hope and Empire Strikes Back producer Gary Kurtz).


So Disney is killing the basic fact that Leia is Luke's sister.


Or... they'll try to make the movie from scratch instead of trying too hard to adhere to things people attached to Lucasfilm said a decade ago. Seriously, you yourself admitted that that storyline was planned pre-1980. And it obviously contradicts what actually happened in Return of the Jedi. Why would you think that that plot would be some sort of foregone conclusion, as opposed to an artifact of an earlier concept of the series?

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From the Wikipedia page:



The focus would be on Luke Skywalker’s journey to becoming the premier Jedi knight, with Luke's sister (who was not Leia) appearing in Episode VIII, and the first appearance of the Emperor, and Luke's ultimate confrontation with him, in Episode IX (a storyline as planned pre-1980, according to A New Hope and Empire Strikes Back producer Gary Kurtz).


So Disney is killing the basic fact that Leia is Luke's sister.


Or you're just putting too much faith in Wikipedia. You should use the force instead. :P

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Star Wars was shot dead when Phantom Menace was released. If anything, Episode 7 is a second chance at meeting the quality of the originals. I struggle to be against it because Star Wars has had its fair share of awful, awful movies/shows/whatever, so it's not really a sacred franchise anymore - it's not like another bad movie will make stuff worse. And if it's good, then it's redemption.


Disney were involved with Avengers and that was ace. I don't know if that can be considered any reflection on the possible quality of Episode 7, but given the awfulness of the prequels perhaps lessons will have been learned anyway. I'm optimistic.


- Tilius

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but see if Disney takes notice at all they'll sign Joss Whedon or Christopher Nolan on to direct this thing because Avengers or Batman and it will actually be the greatest Star Wars film ever.


:kaukau: No. Just no. Whedon and Nolan are given far too much credit. They have their unique visions on how to direct movies, but neither of them are fit for the distinct retro style of Star Wars, and that style has held pretty constant throughout the six movies so far. I'd rather trust this to an insider who works for Lucasfilms instead of a hip and trendy outside director.



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Star Wars was shot dead when Phantom Menace was released. If anything, Episode 7 is a second chance at meeting the quality of the originals. I struggle to be against it because Star Wars has had its fair share of awful, awful movies/shows/whatever, so it's not really a sacred franchise anymore - it's not like another bad movie will make stuff worse. And if it's good, then it's redemption. Disney were involved with Avengers and that was ace. I don't know if that can be considered any reflection on the possible quality of Episode 7, but given the awfulness of the prequels perhaps lessons will have been learned anyway. I'm optimistic. - Tilius


This, exactly. (Well, I dislike episode 2 even more than 1, but all the prequels are a chore to get through and won't ever be part of my personal DVD collection)

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