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Nothing is True, Everything is Permitted: October Haul Part 3



Alternatively: ALL OF MY WANT.


The video game portion of my monthly haul. And the real reason this has been split into several entries... Because of all of this:




Soooooo yeah. I wasn't going to get the LImited Edition, I swear. :P But last week, I got an email from Gamestop about my original pre-order (since they were now processing them). Seems, as I made it all the way back on March 7th, my credit card had since expired. So I thought "no big deal, I'll go update it."


It wouldn't let me. D:


So... I caved, cancelled it, and swiftly pre-ordered the Limited Edition. I'm weak like that.


So far I like it all. The statue I didn't think I'd want, but it looks impressive and I'm glad I have. I'll have to find a use for that belt buckle though... The flag is getting hung up in my dorm room window for all to see. Washington's journal I haven't read yet.


And the game? Well... I only played for an hour so far. And half of that was spent wasting time in a mini-game.


I have a feeling I'll be enjoying this for a while. :D


Oh I also got this too as far as video games are concerned:



Oh, and would anybody be interested in daily blogs about my AC3 journey? The Pokemon ones seemed popular, but here my worry is that everything would be spoiler-filled and not that great to be blogging about. Let me know!




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I was only able to get the Freedom Edition which doesn't have the belt buckle, so I'm JEALOUS. I didn't realise there were two versions with the statue until last night. I wanted belt buckle LOADS. :( But the statue is immense, looks proper arty and a lot better than the comparatively dull (but still cool) statue from AC2 White Edition.


I'm yet to decide whether to get White 2. I never got into White, but I miss my Pokemans, especially Generation 1 who are in White 2 from the start (right?). It's been a while since I played a Pokemon game, so it'd be nice to go back when I have a massive amount of time. Pokemon Diamond completely took over my life. Good times.


- Tilius

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Honestly I don't want the belt buckle. At all.


What I still want is the medallion. But that was not offered in any way in the US...


Some Gen 1 are in White 2 at the start, yeah. Like Growlithe.

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