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BZPower Artist Interview #4 - Soran

Taka Nuvia




Greetings, BZPower and the Blogsphere, it's time for another Artist interview! This time, comic-maker and artist Soran has agreed to answer a few questions - and make this spectacular header (it's awesome, thank you! =D)




1. When did you first start drawing and why?


Well I first started actually drawing (that I can remember) when I was 4 if that counts. I remember finding a crayon and a piece of paper and I just scribbled down something. I think it was suppose to be a tree. My life long hatred for crayons started that day... When it comes to comics, I first started making comics December 20th when I was 14 (4ish years ago) and they were really terrible. I mainly just started drawing because I was bored and I beat most of my video games. Later it was mainly to voice things or simply to create (which is where my interest in lego came through as well.)


2. What do you usually aim for when making a comic?


I normally aim for graphical quality when I make comics. Comics that will normally take like 10 minutes end up taking an hour to make when it comes to my past daily comics. Unless the comics is suppose to be something specific like intentionally lower quality graphics, then I try to do the best I can. Sadly I spend too much time on making the comics look pretty that I almost always end up forgetting the joke and I just have to figure out what it was suppose to be again.


3. Describe your art style using 5 words.


Pretty, BIONICLE, Computer, Sci-fi, Mecha


4. If you were to pick two personal favourites out of all your artwork, which would it be and why?


My personal favorites would be:


Takanuvia - This actually isn't because you're giving me this wonderful interview. I really liked this drawing mainly because of the inked look. It reminded me of the look of those comics before they get colored. Just a nice black and white look to it. I also really liked making the wings.


Traitor! - This is actually my favorite work I've completed. It was very hard to create and probably was the most work I put into anything I’ve created. It made me feel like one of those professional cartoonists when I was making it.


5. You get to spend a day in the Bionicle universe. Who will you be?


If its an official character I would probably be Takanuva. I've always liked how at first when he was turned into a toa he was unsure of his destiny and why he was chosen. I've always liked the characters who were unsure of their destinies or callings, I don't really know why. If it could be anyone then I would be my fictional counterpart, Soran, a toa of Iron.


6. Have you ever considered doing something completely different, like hand-drawing your comics?


I have attempted to create a few hand-drawn comics... they all were terrible. I'm very bad at limiting myself to a little square. The tiny square intimidates me... mocking me. I always would create something that I think would look good then realize that I messed up on something. I would try to erase it but I would end up having one of those bad erasers that doesn't work well. Then I look for the undo button but there isn't one.


7. Do you consider yourself to be a comic artist?


That is actually a more complicated question then that seems as first glance. I honestly don't really know. Theres several ways to take that question. Do I feel like copying and pasting random images into little pretty squares makes me a comic artist? Not really. I have created a sprite kit that several people have enjoyed using in their comics so I guess that technically makes me a comic artist. I supplied the art. I really don't know what to answer.


8. What does your comic-making process look like?


Kind of like this.


9. If you were sent to live on a spaceship, alone, which 5 things would you take with you?


Engine, Power supply, Manual on how to repair spaceship, Space Suit, food.


I'm not into living on a spaceship.


10. Do you have any special plans for your BZPower future?


Yes. Maybe. I don't know. I'm having trouble with some things but if I can figure it all out then I suppose so.




Thanks a lot for the interview! :3


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