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Just Voted



Woke up, ate breakfast, went to my morning Econ class, did an hour workshop for my English class, Voted for Mitt Romney/Paul Ryan (and all the other things I could vote for -- I looked at each measure/candidate extensively last night before choosing which way I would vote). And I am wearing my Les Miserables T-shirt. A great day.




If you live in the US, and are legally able to, go vote! Go do it. Take advantage of this great Right we have and go vote. And don't just vote for the President/VP -- vote for your State and County Measures. Vote for the other office candidates. Those matter too, and you should take advantage of this amazing Right -- this great honor that we have as American citizens to vote. Use this ability, this Right, this honor. And go vote.


~ Velox


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:kaukau: I currently happen to be wearing a Superman t-shirt, but I happen to have a Les Miserables t-shirt. Wait, I might even have it with me...


I do! I forgot I brought this to college. I'm putting this thing on right now!



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I voted today! And I wore my Superman t-shirt too. :D


I think it is great fun how everyone is making entries about voting even though political discussion is not allowed. It is great to see so much activity.

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I think it is great fun how everyone is making entries about voting even though political discussion is not allowed. It is great to see so much activity.


it's explicitly stated in the blog rules that "I voted" entries (and saying who you voted for) are an exception to the rule against political discussion

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I agree that being able to vote is a very good thing, but you're making it sound like the US is the only place in the world where people can do that.

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I agree that being able to vote is a very good thing, but you're making it sound like the US is the only place in the world where people can do that.




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Except all these guys in green.


But I don't think anywhere else has an Eagle with a flag on its head. I'll give you that.


What they think they can compare MUH FREEDOMZ with other countries? Hah! Everyone knows the real compar'son is that MURRICA>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> EVERBUDDY ELSE. That yurop country ain't never gunna got MUH FREEDOMSs. It's why we fought a little sumthin called the REVOLUTIONARY WAR, to get free from those freedom-hatin, tea-taxin English Yuropeans.


USA! !!!!11!! USA! !!!!! USA! !!!!!!11!! USA! !!!!


Source: 3rd grade American history class.


EDIT: Huh, I had no idea those exclamation mark emoticons automatically replaced strings of exclamation marks. Bretty good.


Edit by Velox: Made text not so glaringly huge.

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Brickeens, on , said:


Except all these guys in green.


But I don't think anywhere else has an Eagle with a flag on its head. I'll give you that.


What they think they can compare MUH FREEDOMZ with other countries? Hah! Everyone knows the real compar'son is that MURRICA>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> EVERBUDDY ELSE. That yurop country ain't never gunna got MUH FREEDOMSs. It's why we fought a little sumthin called the REVOLUTIONARY WAR, to get free from those freedom-hatin, tea-taxin English Yuropeans.


USA! !!!!11!! USA! !!!!! USA! !!!!!!11!! USA! !!!!


Source: 3rd grade American history class.


EDIT: Huh, I had no idea those exclamation mark emoticons automatically replaced strings of exclamation marks. Bretty good.



I find it odd that the only word the 3rd grader could spell was "revolutionary". :P


Edit by Velox: Made quoted text not so glaringly huge.

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@ Kraggh ~ Awesome! We'll have to set a day that me, you, and Aderia can all wear our Les Mis shirts. =P


I agree that being able to vote is a very good thing, but you're making it sound like the US is the only place in the world where people can do that.


I'm not sure how you got that from this entry, but that is definitely not what I meant. Obviously there are many countries in the world where people can vote -- I wasn't referencing that at all.


What I was referring to in this entry is the fact that there are many, many Americans who do not vote. I know Political Science professors who teach that voting is pointless (thankfully I have not had any like this myself). I think that is a very sad thing -- that people do not take advantage of this Right that we have. Anyone who knows much about American history knows that American citizens have not always had this Right. Forty years ago I would not be able to vote at my age -- I believe it was the 26th Amendment that set the age to eighteen years old. Obviously there have been many other problems with voting as well, but I am using that one because it specifically applies to me.


So I think people need to realize what a privilege it is to be able to vote -- a privilege that we haven't had forever and who knows, maybe we won't have it forever in the future, either. Yes, there are some countries where people are not able to do this, and people should keep that in mind too -- not everyone has this Right. But that wasn't what I was referencing to, nor was I in any way implying that America is the only place where this is possible -- that is obviously not true.



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