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Civic Duties



Add me to the tally of BZPers who've voted. In the spirit of keeping things non-political on BZP (first person to make the oxymoron joke gets one right in the kisser), I'd rather not disclose my vote publicly, but it's one I was proud to make. (If you are madly curious for some reason, feel free to contact me privately.)


If you're reading this, and you've yet to vote, and you're able to do so - do so. Even if you're not in a 'swing state', your support does matter - the electoral vote might decide the president, but the popular helps to understand the zeitgeist. And in any event, elections are about more than presidential/vice presidential. Sometimes the representative right at home has more effect on your life than the president thousands of miles away.


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I already voted a while ago. My family is generally supportive of one of the sides on the imaginary political line where imagination goes to die. So, I tell them I voted for the other team whenever they want to know how I voted (just to ruffle their feathers), which is generally none of their business to begin with. So, who did I actually vote for? Pfft, I hate playing that game, so I refuse to tell. THANK YOU SWEET AMERICA! YOU ALLOW ME THE FREEDOM OF SPEECH (or lack there of, in this case)! 8D


I wonder if I should just answer people's political questions in interpretive dance. That sounds a lot more fun than making the other person proud/deeply ashamed of my opinions (because if I perfect this idea, then they should have no idea what I'm trying to communicate. At the very least, they will assume I'm crazy and not want to talk to me, thus leaving me in my peaceful solitude of experimenting the effects of what happens when TNT comes in contact with fire).

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I already voted a while ago. My family is generally supportive of one of the sides on the imaginary political line where imagination goes to die. So, I tell them I voted for the other team whenever they want to know how I voted (just to ruffle their feathers), which is generally none of their business to begin with. So, who did I actually vote for? Pfft, I hate playing that game, so I refuse to tell. THANK YOU SWEET AMERICA! YOU ALLOW ME THE FREEDOM OF SPEECH (or lack there of, in this case)! 8D


I wonder if I should just answer people's political questions in interpretive dance. That sounds a lot more fun than making the other person proud/deeply ashamed of my opinions (because if I perfect this idea, then they should have no idea what I'm trying to communicate. At the very least, they will assume I'm crazy and not want to talk to me, thus leaving me in my peaceful solitude of experimenting the effects of what happens when TNT comes in contact with fire).

Okay. Dance. I'm really trying to discern your political leanings right now :P (I have an insatiable curiosity about this).

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I can't help but read "Civic Duties" without thinking of the scene in Pirates of the Caribbean where the blacksmith smashes Jack Sparrow on the head with his bottle of adult beverage and tells Norrington, "Just doing my civic duty, sir!"


I just thought you'd like to know. :P



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Okay. Dance. I'm really trying to discern your political leanings right now :P (have have an insatiable curiosity about this).


I'll take this as all the permission I need to initiate this elaborate new system. XP


Also, Akano, I think you just ruined the phrase "civic duty" for me... forever... XD

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