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The World War Z trailer



Ehhhh, I don't know how to feel about it.


I worry that in the movie the brilliance of the book of looking at the impact of the zombie apocalypse on the world in social, religious, economic, political, and sanitary matters will be completely tossed aside just to make another action movie starring a famous actor in an apocalypse scenario.


I really hope they keep that in the movie, at least...


Anyone else read the book/seen the trailer?


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I watched the trailer, and while I haven't read the book, it didn't look much different from any other zombie movie/show we've already seen. And the zombie towers were more amusing than scary.


In other words, I'll probably pass on this one.

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:kaukau: I have not. I just figured that given the name and that it has Brad Pitt (who looks like a total loser in the advertisements, and a B grade loser at that), that this will be one of the worst movies of 2013. The way the zombies pile up, however, looks interesting. Yeah, though, it definitely looks like it will be a shoot'em up.



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If you want story, just stick to the book, those are usually far better at that. But you are probably right when it comes to them just making it an action, shoot-em-up. Quite honestly the Zombie Apocalypse is overrated and overdone in most cases, in my opinion.


I will say that I did love Zombieland though, also I tend to make exceptions for "space zombies" like the Flood and the Necromorphs.

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:kaukau: Zombies are more fun when they're not an apocalypse. I'm seeing too much post-apocalyptic scenarios. Classic slasher films like Dead Alive (Or Braindead, if you live in New Zealand) are far more entertaining. Honestly, they're so fun when used humorously. Also, I love the music video for "Thriller". Zombies are cool in graveyards, too, and for Halloween movies. You can only have so much Zombie Apocalypse, though. We already have The Walking Dead, which is about all we need right now.


And Brad Pitt's character is making me laugh. He's basically just any other guy, but because he has mad soldier skillz, only he can save the world! It's kind of a week premise. He won't be a strong character. I feel awfully good that I've never read the book. I'm sure I would be disappointed. For the sake of those who have, though, I hope this turns into a box-office bomb and grosses maybe $50 million, total. It would send a message out.



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I didn't know there was a trailer until I saw this entry, so I went out and watched it. Very disappointing.


I think the only way they could salvage it was if that was the only real 'action' in the entire movie and everything else was from the perspective of after the war looking back.


The book is really amazing and I highly recommend it. It actually brought tears to my eyes at one point, which I doubt the movie will do, unless it's crying from how bad it is.

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I didn't know there was a trailer until I saw this entry, so I went out and watched it. Very disappointing.


I think the only way they could salvage it was if that was the only real 'action' in the entire movie and everything else was from the perspective of after the war looking back.


The book is really amazing and I highly recommend it. It actually brought tears to my eyes at one point, which I doubt the movie will do, unless it's crying from how bad it is.


Yeah, my opinion is that the only way it could be filmed in any way whatsoever would be as a TV mini-series, to explore all of the complex themes.


And yes, the movie will probably bring tears to our eyes... because of how disappointing it could be.

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