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Project Barraki



So I says to meself: "The Barraki are good. Real good. And they deserve redos."

That's what I said to meself.

So I did what I told myself to do.

I have Mantax, Kalmah, and Takadox. Sadly, I cannot make Carapar without Keetongu, but I'll get him through S@H or through a friend. So, you wanna see Mantax?

Ok, look below.

IPB Image

IPB Image

Tell me what you think so far. I may take pics of the others as I go along, but don't count on it. I want it to be a surprise.

Update! I lengthened Mantax's arms and added Toa Metru leg armor onto them. Problem solved. I couldn't find a tire that would fit around his waist. Oh well. I added spikes onto his legs. It looks alot better. Pridak is in his final stages, like Kalmah and Takadox.


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Ahhhh yes! This is refreshing to see indeed! Mantax to the Max! I like how you completely rebuilt him, with more poseability, and Bigger shoulder armor! He looks more like a ray to me. His legs are delightfully more buff as well. He's Kicken' now! Great job, and I can't wait to see the others! :)

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A buff stingray...I'm not sure whether to laugh or not. On one hand, you've remade a stingray, which makes you automatically awesome. On the other hand, you've kept the squid launcher, which makes me want to curl up in a corner and cry.


I think, in the end, the delightful colour scheme will win me over.



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A buff stingray...I'm not sure whether to laugh or not. On one hand, you've remade a stingray, which makes you automatically awesome. On the other hand, you've kept the squid launcher, which makes me want to curl up in a corner and cry.


I think, in the end, the delightful colour scheme will win me over.




You crazy foo! Squids are some of the best projectiles ever. Ever! Most projectiles require no skill, and the squid do. And I have that skill. I love squids!

Anyways, what would you have me give him intsead? It would look wierd if he had a zamor launcher or something... ya? And I want to keep them pretty true to the sets.



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Mm, very interesting design. I like what you've done with his legs, continuing the bulky look begun by his feet. The use of Axonn's axe blades to extend his shoulders is unique – ideally, there wouldn't be that gap between the blade of the axe piece and the tips of the shoulder armor. Playing with the two pieces right now, I know that they can be brought very close together to form a much smoother curve... Just a thought.


There are a few other things that could do with fixing... Stick a system tire around his waist. Right now he has these really broad shoulders, really bulky legs, and this impossibly tiny waist. It just doesn't work, you know? :lol: A tire would fix that nicely.


Also, his arms. The basic construction is good, nice and simple, but the upper arms are way too flat and bare. Put one of these pieces on the thin section in the double-socket, then you might try adding a (+/O) perpendicular axle joiner above and below for bulk. Thin arms are okay, but right now they're just too bare. And for reality's sake, add something on the backs of his thighs, too.


Finally, he needs a few more red spikes to complement the red on his head. If you changed the upper 3-axle in his thigh construction to a 2-axle, you would be able to stick a red spike on the outside of each thigh without losing any of the design's rigidity. That alone would help. And also, I personally would use squid of a dark shade of orange, rather than yellow, to work with the red he already has...


Two last things: I wouldn't have used the Nuhvok handshield on the back, with how round it is... but actually, I think that just stands out because of the thin waist. (Tire!) And I think his tail would look better attached closer to his waist.


All in all, this is a really great MOC – it's an excellent upgrade to Mantax, making his build more uniform. The distribution of silver is nice, too. I'm glad you kept the thin arms; they offset the bulk of his shoulders nicely. The use of Metru heads as shoulder attachments is certainly interesting...

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Thank you for that long review. But remember, he is still sorta a WIP. I tried the tire thing, the problem is a can't seem to find one the right size. I'll keep looking. They all restrict articulation alot too. I beefed up the upper arms a bit, but they still look kinda wierd. I'll keep working on that.

I seem to have used up all the rest of my red spikes on Takadox... oops. I'll try to figure out something.


I built Pridak today. His head was giving me alot of troubles. Grr... anyways, I got a rough version of him done today. I also took pics of Lariska and Deadwing, for those who are interested, so they should be up soon as well as K&K instructions and my next PBZP.


And ToM, you must remember how skinny the orginal Mantax was at the waist, I was trying to capture that same feel.
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