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Another Rant Of Stupidity...

Raging Land Squid


Alright, those of you who have seen my pics before know that I have curly hair. That's the set up for this...


I have this weird lay out in the front of my hair that causes the curles to seperate weird, thus causing weird gaps between my curls... IT'S TICKING ME OFF! I don't want to cut my hair, because then I'd lose my hotness! AHH!!! I don't want to lose my hotness!!! NO!!! Then I'd no longer have my power to seduce women at a single glance! NO!!!


I'm going to go throw a puppy in an alligator pit...


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Curly hair is God's gift to men.


Cherish it.


Also, if your hair is long curly, and not tight brillo-pad curly, get your hair layered next time you get it trimmed. It reduces ringlets, and fixes most of the gaps between them problem.

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Hey, didn't I eat you? Darn mortals with your tunneling through my innards...

That thought gives me the jibblies....


Curly hair is God's gift to men.


Cherish it.


Also, if your hair is long curly, and not tight brillo-pad curly, get your hair layered next time you get it trimmed. It reduces ringlets, and fixes most of the gaps between them problem.

I get even more jibblies when men give each-other hair tips....

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I hate getting my hair cut or trimmed. Except facial hair, I have to shave that often or I look... Strange...
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When it comes to facial hair, I keep my sideburns long and a patch on my chin... I think it makes me look distinguished. And a little bit like DO NOT BYPASS THE WORD FILTER

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I wash it everyday... When I come it a lot comes out... I'll be bald by age 25... The genetics in my family are weird. On my dad's side, the men never go bald, and on my mom's side, the men always go bald... I'm going to have half a head of hair!

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Seeing as the Laws of Hair Physics permit a meager, embarassing amount of hair to exist upon becoming bald, I suggest you just shave. My dad does it, the guidance counselor at my school does it, there are plenty people who do it. And then there's combovers.
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Ever mention comb overs here again and I will skin you alive... Heh heh heh... My old boss ended up shaving his head... He was only 25 and he was going VERY bald...

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You could just try getting a lot of piercings to distract people from staring at your baldness. Maybe some eyebrow piercings?
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