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A Wise Tip For Car Drivers



You all know that the automatic function in cars is, by far, the most common type of gear found in the car.


There used to be the manual setting too. I bet all of us remember that.



Do you know that the manual setting is safer, much safer, than the automatic settings?


If you're driving at 160 km/h, or about 100 miles per hour, and you need to slam the brake, this could have two consequences.


In an automatic setting, the gear-box would immediately jam, and you'd be in a very bad fix.


In a manual setting, however, you can play with your gear settings, slow down your car and get out of the way as fast as you can.




This tidbit of knowledge came from my friend's driver, who happened to be an ex F1 racer in our local circuit. He joined the Grand Prix club and played and toyed with as many cars as he liked - from Coopers to the average sedan. He even raced with a local F1 star in battles - the winner gets the opponent's car.


Now he drives as a chauffeur (sp?), but what he learnt in his cowboy days still rang true.



So, when I get to the age of legal license acquiring, I'll ask if I can break into the manual settings.



By the way... Happy Friday the Thirteenth!


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Another way of doing such a thing would be to turn off the overdrive, or shift out of D and into 3, then 2 and then 1. It's also the recommended way to slow a car down if the acceleration pedal loses its recoil, and just sinks to the floor (causing the vehicle to continuously accelerate, regardless of braking).


Granted, this will all but destroy the motor and gearbox of the automobile, but which is worth more to you? Up to $9000 damage to your engine, or the vehicle itself and possibly your life?



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The only problem is that the auto settings, at least for my country, don't have 1, 2 or 3. Just D.


Then I would be in a bad fix.


But if I chance upon an auto setting like that, I'll remember.



Omi owns a a talking car. A Transformer, perhaps?





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Okay, I'll remember that the next time I drive 100 mph.


Really, I dunno what the conversion is, but if you go more than 60 something MPH, you start losing fuel efficiency, and just waste more gas against air resistance or something. So maybe be more conservative by driving slower than wrecking the gear box.


Sure, manual may be better, even though I'm too lazy to learn it. But going slower works for me.



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