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Things I've come to realize over the past weekend



  • Wisconsin pays little heed to such things as 'continuity of climate'. I support this claim with the evidence of it being 55 on Thursday where I was, and 20 with three inches of snow on Friday.
  • In the James Bond movies, Q is now essentially Otacon, only British and with (presumably) less love of anime.
  • November novels are nice. Writing as you like without making it into a race and juggling it with college is nicer.
  • Jiro Ishii gave Kyugo Shindo a deLorean and his daughter an orange jacket solely for the Back to the Future joke 9 hours into Time Travelers.
  • I have unholy amounts of work due Wednesday and Friday.
  • Also, speaking of Time Travelers, my Japanese reading comprehension is decent, but far far far lacking in the kanji department.
  • Professor Layton vs. Ace Attorney comes out on Wednesday. I have been waiting for this game for two years.
  • The custom unit in Fire Emblem: New Mystery of the Emblem is absurdly broken.
  • I am probably going to need to do a lot of said work early if I want to actually play Professor Layton vs. Ace Attorney on Wednesday.
  • When both my mom and I are reading the same book, it's easiest for everyone involved to just turn it over to her and let her completely finish it, because she reads faster than any human should.
  • I'm still waiting on feedback from those folks who offered to give that story of mine a look, so if you're reading this... sometime soon-ish? I know it needs work, I just want some other eyes to help me figure out where. :P

So, how was your Thanksgiving?


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Wait right there, Geiser (yes, I'm using this name because I think it's hilarious, but that's not important).


Professor Layton vs. Ace Attorney as in "Japanese Import" or "Released in the US?"


Because I've been behind on that news and I need to know whether to jump for joy or blame you for my misfortune (which matters little because I'm not going to buy it for some time regardless if it's the latter, but it's far more fun this way).


Also, be sure to tell me what the games like if you get a chance. In turn, I will indeed give feedback on your super-amazing-pathetic-ERMAHGERD BIONICLE story. XP

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Japanese import, I'm afraid. Two and a half years of Japanese study does have its advantages.


And I'm glad to hear my story is super-amazing-pathetic-ERMAHGERD. No good story should be lacking in the ERMAHGERD department.

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I'm still waiting on feedback from those folks who offered to give that story of mine a look, so if you're reading this... sometime soon-ish? I know it needs work, I just want some other eyes to help me figure out where. :P


UGH, yeah, I've still got to do that.


Sorry for the wait, but I'll get to it this weekend. THAT'S A GOAL.

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It is now your sworn duty to tell those of us who love Ace Attorney how epically awesome it is that he's being allied with the puzzle master Hershel Layton. YOUR SWORN DUTY!!!





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UGH, yeah, I've still got to do that.


Sorry for the wait, but I'll get to it this weekend. THAT'S A GOAL.


Don't worry too much; I'm looking at it for the first time in two weeks now and seeing tons of stuff to change anyways. I imagine we'll both have plenty to pick over together. :P


It is now your sworn duty to tell those of us who love Ace Attorney how epically awesome it is that he's being allied with the puzzle master Hershel Layton. YOUR SWORN DUTY!!!






Make no mistake, I'll be blogging my thoughts on the game (with occasional photos) as I play.

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Make no mistake, I'll be blogging my thoughts on the game (with occasional photos) as I play.


This news pleases me. No major spoilers for the story, though. I like guessing the identity of the Masked Gentleman and then finding out I was right. It boosts my ego to the point that I squeel "WOOOHOO! I knew it~" like Kiina.

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