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A bit of relaxation



So, having internet back has been great. However when the hurricane hit we all forgot about something we ordered and paid for.


We forgot until it arrived at a house that we can't live at as we were continuing the clean up. So we set it up at our rental house and finally had some rest and relaxation for the first time since Hurricane Sandy hit.


I must say, the Wii U has been a ton of much needed fun for us. (If anyone wants to add me on Miiverse my username is Kohakuchan)


Other than that, Aleks' grandfather's van has been taken away by a scrapper. The house is still there as securing permits has taken longer than everyone thought.


Everyday has been a bit better than the last, but honestly... at the end of each day we just want to go home. Today though has been a day with no running around and just some simple relaxation. It has been nice and much needed.

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Life goes on, eh? Glad you could get at least a little weight off your shoulders that way.


Hope things go as smooth as they can.

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