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Top Ten Tuesday #1: Most Anticipated Books of 2013



So on a few writing blogs I follow, there's a "Top Ten Tuesday" meme that people do, where each week they give a new theme, and you give your top ten books for that theme. I decided I'd start doing it here. The list is roughly in the order of most- to least-anticipated (with the exception of #10).




Most Anticipated Books of 2013

  1. Untitled, by Vince Flynn and Brian Haig. Vince Flynn is, if not my favorite, at least one of my favorite authors. And a new book series, co-authored with Brian Haig (who I am also a fan of)? Count me in.
  2. A Dance with Dragons, by George R. R. Martin. While the book itself has already been released, I'm looking forward to the paperback version that will match the other books in the series that I have. I've only read Game of Thrones and part of Clash of Kings, but I immensely enjoyed both, and can't wait to finish them and read ADwD.
  3. Unknown Book, by Michael Connelly. Another of my favorite authors. He usually writes at least one book a year, so I'm looking forward to whatever book he writes that comes out in 2013. I'm hoping it's another Mickey Haller book, but I definitely wouldn't mind a Harry Bosch novel, either.
  4. Unknown Book, by Jim Butcher. Once again, Butcher usually comes out with a new Dresden Files book every year, which is a completely fantastic series -- I definitely look forward to reading his 2013 book, and his book that was released today, Cold Days, should be arriving by UPS within the next day or two.
  5. Unknown Book, by Tom Clancy. As of 2010, Tom Clancy has been publishing a book or two a year, so I assume that this trend will continue. I still have to read his older books (with the exception of Patriot Games), but I've read Dead or Alive, Against All Enemies, and Locked On and really enjoyed them (and just pre-ordered Threat Vector), so I look forward to whatever he comes out with in 2013.
  6. Unknown Book, by Brad Thor. Writing a book or two a year, I expect another book to come out in the summer of 2013. I haven't read his latest book, Black List, yet, but I plan to get it shortly.
  7. Unknown Book, by Ben Coes. A relatively new author, with only three books to his name, has been publishing a book once a year, and as such I expect that he will do so in 2013. I've only read his first book, unfortunately, but I loved it and I have his second.
  8. The Third Bullet, by Stephen Hunter. Unfortunately, this is one of those authors that I really need to catch up on. I've only read one book by him, and part of another, but I greatly enjoy them, and this book sounds like it's going to be great.
  9. The Night Ranger, by Alex Berenson. Yet again an author that I really must read more of, having only read one book by him. But I really enjoyed it, and I plan to make my way through his series at some point, and this book sounds interesting.
  10. Unknown Book, by Unknown Author. I'm sure there's another (if not more than one) book that I'll be eagerly anticipating during 2013, but I'm not sure what that is yet. =P

Unfortunately, I don't really know of that many books that are coming out in 2013, so I basically just stuck to authors that I really enjoyed reading in the past, and can assume will publish a book in 2013. Numbers 1, 3, and 4 (and to a lesser extent, 5 and 6) are the ones that I anticipate most every year (or have been, for the past couple years, at least). I don't have the broadest taste of books and authors and genres, but I'm slowly making my way there.


Feel free to give your own Top Ten Anticipated Books of 2013, comment on mine, etc. I do not own or take credit for the idea of this list, but unfortunately cannot link to where I got it from, as it is a blog with a commenting system.


~ Velox


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I feel sad that A Memory of Light isn't on there. D:


I realize the Wheel of Time series is bloody long, but I figured it'd be pretty high up there, the conclusion to a pretty good series.

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They're worth a read, but they're long. The shortest of the books is like 1.5 Return of the Kings. The entire series combined is several Bibles worth of words.


Some people are annoyed by the sheer amount of fluff and sideplots though. The final three books is basically the substitute author (the previous one died) desperately trying to tie up literally hundreds of subplots going on and still give a satisfying conclusion to the main plot.


It can be somewhat irritating after hearing a five page description of a cat.

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:kaukau: The entire series is about 4 million words. And I've stated this to Velox before: I intend to write a series that will probably end up twice as long, not including the tie-in books.


Hey Velox, if my book for next years NaNoWriMo manages to get published (after I go back and do a lot of editing to iron it out), add something by Emperor Kraggh to your list of books to look forward to in 2014 or 2015. Since, you know, it seems that you follow authors, which is something I don't do but I won't complain so long as it benefits me, good friend.


By the way, is the first book on your list really called Untitled?



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@ Alex Humva ~ Yeah, I've heard about this series from enough people that I'll probably give it a look sometime. The problem is that I literally have a mile-long list of books that I want to read, and since this is a gigantic series with gigantic books, it's kinda pushed down the list, at least for now.


@ Kraggh ~ Yeah, definitely. If any of my fellow Ambagers publish a book, I'll give it a read. Especially if I get a signed copy. =P

But no, it's not, as far as I know. It's just currently not titled.

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I feel sad that A Memory of Light isn't on there. D:I realize the Wheel of Time series is bloody long, but I figured it'd be pretty high up there, the conclusion to a pretty good series.

^^^This so much this^^^ Seriously I've been telling you for a while now Andrew, give it a read.

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Haha I know, I know...I'll get around to them eventually! I'm trying not to start new series/authors that I haven't bought anything from yet, in order to lower my obsession of buying more books. Particularly when I have one book from a series, I need them all. =P But geh, people keep recommending this to me, so I just may have to starting looking for them/buying them sooner than later...

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