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Of A Number Most 42

Tufi Piyufi


I've been meaning to get around to this for a while, but here we are now. I've been sidetracked bigtime, folks. That's all you need to know.


BR's already talked about this a bit in the Reference Desk topic. Yeah, contest #42 started off as a joke. That's why the introduction is especially silly. If it was serious from the start, I doubt I'd have done it up quite like that. Anyhow, I posted it as a joke. I was kinda entertaining notions of just keeping it going anyway (I mean, why waste a number like 42?), but nothing too committed yet.


I go to sleep. The next day, when everyone's up and about and panicking way too much, I check out my little contest. The outcry, the riots, the flaming... where is it? Is that... is that... sincere approval of the theme? It can't be. No no.


But it was. Oh, was it ever. A 200+ ever at this point, but that's not important at this stage. At that early stage, what I saw was a whole bunch of people who seemed to really enjoy the theme and who hoped it was for real. I saw people who never poke around in BBC taking interest in the theme. Do you realize how fantastic this was for me?


So I put in a word with the admin-types that I was gonna take this one and run with it after all. My major reasons are as follows:

  • A lot of you showed interest in it. And not even sarcastic interest either. Yeah, sure, there were some naysayers, but we get those every contest. I wouldn't dream of trying to please everyone: if I wind up doing that, then there's definitely something wrong.
  • It hauled out people who don't usually poke around in BBC much. Bringing in fresh blood and ideas? Giving people a theme that's very friendly to the extremely casual/never-does-it builder? I'd be nuts to pass it up.
  • You can't just slap a humanoid in here and call it your entry. You actually have to try building something different. You have to try something new: breaking out of your cozy little comfort zone and expanding as a builder is essential for many people in this contest. As well, in virtually all cases, you can't enter 'that MOC you're saving up for a contest that fits it'. 'Contest' means 'challenge', people. You're supposed to build to it, not have it fit you.
  • It's fun and evil forcing a forum filled with guys to make 'cute' stuff. You know me and my evil.
It's like a joke-turned-early-self-birthday-present. Except you can all get in on it. Enjoy, folks.


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I knew right away the theme would be a big hit. The first day we were getting several entries, but I did not rule out the possibility of a prank. I am interested to see what the prizes will be and this voting process should be alot of fun.


And I agree 100 percent about the challenge, I have never really tried to build something cute and small up until now. Its been a fun and frustrating building process but I have learned alot from this one. Evil to the guys, indeed.

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When no one was looking, Lex Luthor entered BBC Contest #42.

Forty-two contests.

That's four tens and two ones.

And that's terrible.





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It's fun and evil forcing a forum filled with guys to make 'cute' stuff. You know me and my evil.


We wouldn't trust you with it if we didn't think you'd put it to good use.


Truly it is the greatest evil of them all. :D

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You can't just slap a humanoid in here and call it your entry. You actually have to try building something different. You have to try something new: breaking out of your cozy little comfort zone and expanding as a builder is essential for many people in this contest. As well, in virtually all cases, you can't enter 'that MOC you're saving up for a contest that fits it'. 'Contest' means 'challenge', people. You're supposed to build to it, not have it fit you.
I am glad we agree on something.


It's fun and evil forcing a forum filled with guys to make 'cute' stuff. You know me and my evil.
But it's fun making cute little rahi...:wub:



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I was working on a great MOC for this contest, but I do not think it'll be finished in time. When I finally do finish it, I'll post it regardless--I think you especially will like it, Tufi.

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