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Lady Kopaka


Current Mood: :wired: *Trying to wake up*

Currently Listening to: Bring 'Em Out - Hawk Nelson

Currently Doing: Drawing!


Yay I'm back, hello BZP, hello home, hello computer, hello, hello hello!


Had lots of fun up in TN, mostly stayed up late and slept late. But hey, I got lot of art done, and just bought the newest Hawk Nelson CD, Cars Soundtrack, an Avatar DVD...and err, I think that's it.


Though I am glad to be home, then again, we have school. ;-; I no want to start school.


...You know I had a bunch to say, and now I forgot all...Well yall can ask questions about my trip if even more curious.


Ok, maybe I can be a bit detailed on my art at least, I got 3 requests almost ready to show, a few more picture, and a group shot of 4 doods *CoughguessCough*, and it looks really cool. And I'm going through and organizing my maj off-topic art, since like I haven't touched it that much, so it has a lot of my old and ucky art.

Why does the idea of my art sticks to death keep on slipping in my mind? It's getting on my nerves and hurting my esteem. >< Even though...It is true.


Um, what else to say? Am I missing anything else? Mmhh?


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i can fo course guess the 4 Doods.




*Dolls out Hugs & Kisses*


*Realises that people might take that the wrong way*


*Is Bashful*


Anyway...hope you had a nice little holiday and a delightful Easter. also hope that School isn't too taxing...I just got my Exam Timetable today. I've sent out a government warning to seek out and destroy my overinflated sense of Guilt at not revising.


EDIT: This is Beliwa, by the by. Long story...see the 'Marvel Fad' link in my Sig.

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Glad to see you back, especially with three requests nearing completion! I ought to have reasonable pictures up by the time the list reopens! :happydance: \


I missed you very much while you were away. However, as soon as I return to good ol' VA, this annoying 7 hour time difference will be gone and we will actually be able to stay in touch. So, hope to talk to you again soon!


- :vahi:

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Lady Kopaka?


In MY Tennessee?


This is madness!

This is SPARTAAA!!! *kicks Exo into a pit*


Sorry. Couldn't help myself.


Anyways, welcome back, Lady K! Good to have ya around BZP again. Now I have great art to look forward to again! Yay! But I have no idea what four guys you're talking about...

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You know, I find it weird that you always say "I left" and I never notice!



P.S. you look like my friend Jake's friend, odd.


P.S.S. The Wicked Awsome Show Rocks! Sorry, it's a vid me and my friends make.

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Guest Phyoohrii


I can't think, who are the four doods? :P

Sounds like you had fun in...where ever. :lol: Tennessee.


IPB Image

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Lady Kopaka?


In MY Tennessee?


This is madness!

More like MY Tennessee.


I can't think, who are the four doods? :P

Sounds like you had fun in...where ever. :lol: Tennessee.


IPB Image

I know I always do. :P

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Sorry guys, I was born in Tennessee so...


I win! :P


And yay, people missed me!




*Dolls out Hugs & Kisses*


*Realises that people might take that the wrong way*


*Is Bashful*

Well someone is hyper. :P

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I'm from Florida. Nobody cares. :P


I noticed the missing-ness. Of course, I couldn't do anything cause I'm enjoying Ubuntu Feisty. (Shinyness. Everybody loves it.) Now that I got my tortured network card back up, did you ignore my PM, or did you just not get it?


Off to tweak away. And be ignored. By the Universe. Somebody PM Me. I'm bored. And I like to fix peoples computers by deleting windows. Unless you have Vista. You paid to much, then and I don't feel like telling you you wasted your money. What's the line? "You're not worth the very expensive bomb I'm blowing you up with."


Yeah, I'm tired. What else is not new?



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I'm from Florida. Nobody cares. :P


I noticed the missing-ness. Of course, I couldn't do anything cause I'm enjoying Ubuntu Feisty. (Shinyness. Everybody loves it.) Now that I got my tortured network card back up, did you ignore my PM, or did you just not get it?


Off to tweak away. And be ignored. By the Universe. Somebody PM Me. I'm bored. And I like to fix peoples computers by deleting windows. Unless you have Vista. You paid to much, then and I don't feel like telling you you wasted your money. What's the line? "You're not worth the very expensive bomb I'm blowing you up with."


Yeah, I'm tired. What else is not new?



i always lived there in florda so i care yay for sun burns :P


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