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Blender Thing!



So, my computer has spent the last 50 or so hours churning out this 12,350 frame bad boy.




The song is a remix of Midna's Lament from the "Triforce of Bass" album. Which is totally awesome and you should buy it.


But yeah, it's officially the longest render I've ever done. Mainly cause it's in 48 fps.


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What script/function did you use to get that in perfect sync? I'm pretty sure you didn't do it by hand after all. :P


It's cool, don't get me wrong, I'd just like to know how to get stuff like that synced up with music :P

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Very nice; I like. I echo the question above, since that might be interesting to know for the future, and might shed light into how visualizer stuff works in general. =)


But overall; very nice; I didn't expect the blocks to rise like stairs when it was first starting, I thought it was a series of boxes, to be honest. =P But very good job on that. =D

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It uses a little bit of python, but the main idea behind the synching is found in the animation curves section. If you select "keys", there's an option called "bake sound to F-Curves".

There's a little more involved, such as getting it to spiral, and the details of specific frequencies and such. But that's the gist behind it.

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Hmm, sounds interesting. I'll have to try it sometime.


I have this amazing idea for something like this, but instead of boxes have growing tubes that twist and turn. I imagine it might be more difficult, but properly visualized and it could be amazing.

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How is Python? I've never coded with it, but I feel I should learn it, as physicists seem to like it.


And because I only know FORTRAN. :P



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Python is the only language I really learned, so I don't have a great meter stick to judge by.

From what I've heard though, it seems to be simple without being simplistic.

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