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What is it with some of these Anime? 12 episodes and I get emotionally attached to the characters and moved by the finale. Doesn't happen a lot for other shows I watch. Maybe it's cause I'm watching entire seasons back to back instead of drawn out... but still.


And by "moved" I mean slightly choked up but not bawling or anything. :P And this doesn't apply to everything.


It has made me think of some of my own writing experience. Honestly, there is only one time I ever got choked up over my own writing, and that was when I killed off Duka in my Bionicle epic Time Disruption. (Oh, uh, spoiler?) But in general, I've avoided tragic deaths in most of my writings. Sure, I have bad things happen to the characters, and the endings aren't always 100% perfect, but usually most of them survive. Well, there is one story where I killed off all the supporting characters, one at a time, and the protagonist had an emotional breakdown, but it didn't happen to me as a writer. (Because he used time travel to go back and change the chain of events, thus leading to only a few deaths of supporting characters... uh, yeah, spoiler again!) But the point is, I never got choked up as an author because I knew I was bringing the characters back. In retrospect, Duka's death kind of came up at the last moment, and although I was expecting to give him a sad fate, his death just seemed to accidentally slide into place and thus the emotion felt more real. (And Duka wasn't even one of the main characters either!)


But yeah, this doesn't normally happen. I mean, Toy Story III is one movie where I got teared up a bit (not just the incinerator scene, but also the lost teddy bear scene, cause that actually did happen to me as a kid except without an exact replacement.) And I guess the seventh Harry Potter book was a little sad in that chapter where he walks through the forest. But do those Anime writers have nothing better to do than write moving stories with relatable characters??


That's it, I'm going back to watching the robot mecha gory ones instead. :P




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