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"We all enter those little rough patches"



Okay so I planning on making this blog post about tastes in music and all, until I found a band on my Ipod that goes by the name of Lordi. Now I doubt anyone knows who this band is but they won they euro-vision song contest in 2006. They were one of the few hard rock bands in the competition and wore these stupid monster costumes and had character names and all sorts.


The thing is, is listening to their music for the first time in ages really brought be back to about last year and a bit before. When I was about 15 I was failing in school. There was a whole lot of things going on in my life and I was unhappy. I would even go as far as to say I was depressed. Not depressed as going all emo and slitting my wrists and all that, because I was never that kind of person. In fact I would mask it very well, even to myself. I would get angry over stupid things and would lash out physically to any object close to me. It was a like constant weight of anger and sadness in me and I couldn't lift it. I was skiving school ALOT. I hated my school. It wasnt like I was bullied or anything like that, in fact my life there was insanely average, but a lot of people, even my closest friends stood for a lot of things that I did not(although I didnt really realise that until later)


After leaving my school and moving 100 miles away from my mums to my dads, I remembered a song from 2006 called Hard Rock Hallelujah(Lordi's winning song) I listened to it again and through that found Lordi's other songs. I find the man a lyrical genius but thats besides the point. I found out they had been a band since the late 90's and got sort of.... obsessed shall we say?

I mean something you've got to know about Lordi is each band member were's a costume and has a character or persona(Although to be fair thats how they act in real life I assume). You get attached to the band members like they are characters off a TV show and when they leave the band its almost heart breaking (RIP Otus)


Anyway Im sort of going off track here. See this post isnt so much about the bad time in my life, its about the recovery. When I moved schools I got to learn a lot about my self as I had a chance to start a knew. Instead of pretending to be some one I was not, I decided to embrace the real me. I grew a lot of confidence and realized you didnt have to try fit in, becuase the harder you tried the more people would not like you(at least in my expericene). I listened to Lordi a lot in my early stages of year 11. I would walk to school with my Ipod it and would blast it out full volume. Although it got better eventually the first couple months in my new school were really dark. I didnt know any one and found it hard to talk to people(not that I ussualy would have a problem doing so). Lordi at the stage was one of the only bands I listened to. Not that I didnt like other music, but I didnt want to listen to anything else. I just kind of feel I owe them a thanks for "pulling me through". I dont mean to say that I couldnt have got my life back on track without them, becuase I could, but when my life was constantly changing around Lordi was the one rock in my life, so thanks.(Not that they will read this)


I guess the most important thing is I got good grades at the end of year 11 and I would never have got them if I had of continues the way I was going.


Sorry if this seems a bit strung togther. Its the first time I have ever talked about this so...


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