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The ending to Amazing Spider-man #700



Wow. WOW.


Ladies and gentlemen, that was not a good wow. That was a bad wow. This has to be the most disappointing ending to anything ever. Even worse than Mass effect 3.


If you actually read comics or plan on catching up on spider-man, I will say this only once:




Spider-man is dead. I'm not joking here. They killed him. But don't worry, they replaced him. Wait, did I say "don't" worry? Because I meant the exact opposite of that. They replaced him with Doc Ock.


Let me explain. In Spider-man #699, we find out that a very old and dying Doc Ock has switched bodies with Peter Parker, and they now each have each other's memories and everything. Anyway, in #700 Peter escapes the prison in which Ock was being held and tries desperately to switch their bodies back, especially since his current body is on the brink of death.


But he fails.


Doc Ock managed to stop Peter from reswitching bodies and Peter Parker dies in Ock's old body, but not before forcing Ock to sort of relive through some of his memories about great power and great responsibility and whatnot. Ock then vows to be a better Spider-man than ever.




Seriously, this is awful. I really hope it doesn't last more than a year. I am abandoning Spider-man comics until this is fixed. I would much rather spend my money on something I enjoy.


The main reason this is so horrible is because it takes away a huge part of Spider-man. When you read Superman, you don't read Superman to read about Clark Kent. You read Superman for Superman. And for the most part, the Batman comics are about Batman fighting crime. But when you read Spider-man, you read Spider-man to read about Peter Parker. Peter Parker has to try to balance his own life with being Spider-man and saving the world constantly. Now that's gone. Unless Ock suddenly cares about all of Peter's family and friends (not counting Aunt May, though he'd probably be pretty angry at her current husband), then that's not gonna happen.


So I am officially never buying any of this new "superior spider-man" until they change him back. I don't care how they do it. Just do it. If you can bring Captain America back with some sort of time-traveling bullet, you sure as heck can bring Parker back in his own body.

Gonna cancel my Spider-man subscription and start getting the Scarlet Spider and Agent Venom comics.





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I don't see this as being intended to be permanent. It's not going to be something like the Clone Saga or One More Day. Plus, wait? They're giving Doctor Octopus meaningful character development? I don't think I've seen much character development for him since Web of Death (then again, there's two rather big gaps in my Spidey knowledge - Byrne's run and Brand New Day in general). This is really encouraging me to go back and read all of Dan Slott's run. I've watching this coming. He's continually said that he would be hated when this issue came out and that he just wanted people to wait and see how it played out.


I think Dan Slott's planning something big with this. He mentioned back when Marvel NOW! was starting up that he is the only writer who's been allowed to stay on his title. That says something. He has plans. He has also said the fact that it tied in with the NOW! reboots was more of a coincidence and that this was planned all along.


I wouldn't be too scared. Marvel has done some pretty bad stuff in the past, most notably One More Day. However, OMD did accomplish something that countless editors and writers had been trying for a decade - to end the MJ-Peter Parker marriage (that was one of the major goals of the Clone Saga... which is very funny if you read Spectacular Spider-Man #241 (the one right after the Clone Saga ends)). This is not some "powers that be" that want it done. It is Dan Slott.


I wouldn't view this as a Scarlet Spider replacing Spider-Man deal. Even then, DeFalco's original plan was to return Peter to his place, though it almost didn't happen and had a minor trainwreck along the way :P. Had the Clone Saga gone as DeFalco had planned, it would have ended a year and a half earlier than it did and would have been much higher quality. Instead, marketing and powers that be interfered. I don't see this with Dan Slott's run so far. I believe Marvel has learned their lesson there and will let Slott do as he pleases.


I guess what I'm trying to say is, Kraven's Last Hunt is probably more similar to this than the Clone Saga, though this is a much larger scale.


Though, I will say, it will be extremely creepy with any scenes with Aunt May. Ock freaking tried to marry her and... *cringes* That's just tooooooo creepy for me. :P


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