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The Year in Review: Film

Nuile the Paracosmic Tulpa


Another year of my life nearly written! And as this chapter draws to a close, it is time to review my own work, as any good writer should do.



I'll begin in superficial ways. First, filmographically.


I'd say it was a pretty good year. I've seen plenty of great films, new whether to the world or to me, or old by various definitions. Let's take a look at some of the highlights.


Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace 3D. This remains my favorite of the Star Wars saga, and the three-dimensional enhancements were highly impressive. 3D has come a long way since those blue and red paper glasses. Add "Duel of the Fates" and Liam Neeson as some of the qualities, improve the experience with the company of my best friend, and mark it as all the more special for being my own visit to the cinema in the past year, and it is very well worthy of note.


Sherlock Holmes: A Game of Shadows. Best movie of all time. I knew that the instant I saw it, and until another movie steps up to replace it--possibly Sherlock Holmes 3--it will keep the title. And even then it will always live in my memory as one of the greatest films of cinematic history. Moreover, the sequence that begins from the words, "A five minute game?" will always preserve a place in my heart under the honorable title of the scene.


The Dark Knight Rises. I actually saw this for the first time today. If you've seen it, there should be no question in your mind why I call it one of the better movies I've seen this year. Though I'm not particularly savvy nor interested in the area of politics, I admire this film series not only for its depth in that area but also in that of character. The morality and the realms of the human psyche explored in these movies, as exemplified by the pit sequence, fascinate me. Though I still prefer Batman Begins, Dark Knight Rises is an excellent film in its own right.


Avengers. Not a lot of depth to this one, but boy, there was some good fighting. What I especially loved about the action was that we had a bit of everything; Iron Man's science fiction, Thor's midieval magic, Captain America's hand-to-hand, Hulk's smash. There was a little philosophy worth contemplating in Loki's monologues and there was an enjoyable depth to the dispute on the helicarrier, but on the whole the point of this movie was all the great fighting.


It's Christmas, Carol! If you didn't label me as a heretic for visiting the cinema only once this year, you probably will for listing a Hallmark movie among the highlights of my year. It's a typical play on Charles Dickens's classic, in this case portraying Scrooge as a woman, the C.E.O. of a publishing house. The ghosts were all one, the revenant partner of the Scrooge, played by Carrie Fisher. Scrooge's estranged love was a writer. If you hadn't gathered, there was a strong literary theme throughout the film. It was very sweet, and the story held a personal meaning for me, not just in the many books that adorned its scenes.


We Bought a Zoo. I include this because it was a cute story with realism, drama, and profound romance.




And now to take a look back at my regrets, what I hope to improve in future years. For one, I have sworn off modern animated comic films after wasting time with Batman/Superman: Apocalypse and Under the Red Hood.


Moreover, I hope to more firmly uphold my past resolution never to waste as much as another hour of my life with the worthlessness that is the Pokemon film franchise, and to fight more fervently my siblings's supplications to join them in this gratuitous activity. From now on I listen to the full version of the theme song and then I'm gone.


Sincerely, Nuile: Lunatic Wordsmith


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Ugh, Superman/Batman Apocalypse was terrible. Under the Red Hood was okay. They were the first I watched and seriously Did Not Enjoy Them.


The others I dared to watch aren't that bad, though. As far as animated comic movies go, I enjoyed Batman: Year One a lot. I'd recommend it. I also liked Justice League: Doom, and All-Star Superman to a lesser extent. They were fairly good.

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