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I s'pose I should update this thing again

Taka Nuvia


I just/wonder what I could write about... studying physics is still kinda fun, I passed the most crucial exams, two important ones are still ahead of me but that's not really a bad thing ( I bet I'll think differently in a week, but we'll see... then again, I can still worry about it later, right... ^^)



My current daily routine is fairly boring, though; go to university, be silly with 'friends' (... whaaat, it takes a bit 'till I consider someone a friend... suspicious Taka is suspicious ><), hear stuff that confuses me (maths), hear cool/interesting stuff(physics), go home, homework, sleep, start over again next day. I guess that also causes the lack of interesting blog entries. :/


What else...eh. Oh right, some minor IRL troubles. Mostly a 'friend' (not one of those I mentioned earlier; someone else.) acting weirdly and doing things that would require AT LEAST a sincere apology to get a bit better again. Yes, I am angry. <.<


Apart from that everything's okay, though. :)

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