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100th Entry--Kako Volt-Isle Preview

Pahrak Model ZX


(Because I figured "Why wait?" Anywho, I hope to develop this scene a bit more by the time it works its way into the story. First things first, some reminders:

-Dragon-Lord Aile is a little short, has long tan hair, tan eyes, wears a black t-shirt, khakis, a dragon scale jacket, and a bracelet (specifics still being brainstormed)

-Thunder-Lord Zempyst has extremely light blonde hair pulled up in a ponytail, yellow eyes, wears silver pants, a pale yellow belt, a silver button-down long sleeved shirt, scratched up silver bracers on her arms, and lightning bolt earrings

-"Tsundere" is a Japanese term used for a pattern of behavoir where a character switches between "tsuntsun"--being mean towards a specific individual--and "deredere"--being kind and caring towards that individual. May cut it out of the final version, but it seemed to appropriate I had to at least use it here.


Now then, the preview begins:)


Zempyst strode across the arena, saying, “You’ve got that look again. What are you telling her?”


“It’s a secret,” Aile playfully replied. “I’ll tell you if you come closer.”


“I’m not falling for that one again,” Zempyst stated. “You’re just going to latch on once I get close.”


Aile sighed, “And there’s the downside of you knowing me so well. Why are you afraid of loving me?”


Zempyst was started to get visibly flustered. “I just don’t like having the life squeezed out of me by those vice-like arms of yours!”


“Come on, I know you’re not that fragile.”


“I’m not fragile at all!”


“Then prove it!”


Aile lunged at Zempyst and locked her arms around the Thunder-Lord. Xyla took a few steps back as Zempyst attempted in vain to wriggle her way to freedom.


“H-Hey! I didn’t agree to this!”


“Well if I waited for you to stop being so tsundere, I’d never get to hug you!”


“Stop calling me tsundere! It starts rumors!”


“You know I don’t care what other people think.”


Zempyst gave a desperate look to Xyla. “Are you just going to stand there or help me?!”


Hesitantly, Xyla answered, “I, uh…I don’t think I understand this relationship enough to get involved.”


“You’re kidding!!” Zempyst exclaimed. “Ugh…”


“You know how to make me stop, Sparky,” Aile said.


“Fine,” Zempyst growled.


Aile loosened her grip just enough for Zempyst to slip her arms free. The Thunder-Lord half-heartedly returned the embrace, and a few moments later Aile released her.


“You really need to cut that out,” Zempyst muttered. “And wipe that stupid grin off your face!”


“I have no intention of doing either,” Aile adamantly responded.


As Zempyst stormed off, Xyla gave Aile a puzzled look. “I don’t get it,” she asked. “Why do you hang out with Zempyst all the time if she’s so irritable?”


Aile smiled. “You mean besides her good looks, dependability, compassion, sense of humor, intelligence, perseverance, responsibility, and ability to not let her emotions mess with her judgment?”


From the other side of the arena, Aile and Xyla could hear Zempyst yelling angrily and one of her Apprentices. Quickly, Aile added, “Well, her judgment on major issues.”


Xyla had yet to see Zempyst display any of these qualities, but she thought it best not to say so. “Yeah, besides all that.”


“Let me tell you a story,” Aile began. “Once upon a time, a group of fourteen awesome kids were gathered up and named the Original Element-Lords. The Dragon-Lord quickly proved herself to be the most awesome, but, unfortunately, all that power went to her head and she became totally unbearable to be around. For whatever reason, the Thunder-Lord was more irritated by the Dragon-Lord’s attitude than the others were, and the two of them formed a hostile rivalry. Islands shook when they battled, and they battled a lot, even though it never really solved anything. After a while, the Element-Lords decided they needed to pick a leader, something that the Dragon-Lord was sure she’d be great for. When the Rahaga-Lord was chosen to lead, the Dragon-Lord was furious and challenged him to a battle.”


Aile took on a more solemn air at this point.

“In her blind fury, the Dragon-Lord lost control of her power…and she nearly killed the Rahaga-Lord. Really, it’s a miracle he survived, but he did, and he was even willing to forgive and forget. But the Dragon-Lord was ashamed of what she had done, and became horrified of her own power. She fell into a deep, dark depression the likes of which none of the other Element-Lords had ever seen. Some of them tried to help her, but there was nothing they could do, and she came dangerously close to the point of no return. But when all hope seemed lost, the Thunder-Lord—the last person the Dragon-Lord expected to see—came to visit. The Dragon-Lord was so surprised that she actually listened when the Thunder-Lord told her the things she needed to hear. The Thunder-Lord practically dove into the darkness and pulled the Dragon-Lord back out…she stayed with her, forced her to move on, and helped her forgive herself. All this from someone the Dragon-Lord thought hated her…”


Aile inhaled sharply, smiled, and turned to Xyla.


“So, the Dragon-Lord got her fight back, with a much more bearable if somewhat zany new personality to boot, and she and the Thunder-Lord became best friends with just a little remaining hint of rivalry. And, you know…they lived happily ever after and whatnot. And I do mean ‘ever after’, what with the eternal youth thing. Does that answer your question?”


Stunned, Xyla stammered, “Uh…I…”


Zempyst was sending her Apprentice away now. She put her hands on her hips, sighed, and looked back at Aile.


Waving, Aile whispered, “I know she’s rough around the edges, but she cares a lot more than she lets on. If she weren’t here, then I wouldn’t be either.”


Zempyst shook her head and left the Battlefield. Xyla turned to Aile again, saying, “So…you just ignore it when she’s difficult?”


Aile shrugged and replied, “When you care about someone, you won’t let them push you away no matter how hard they try. Especially when you know that, deep down, they care about you too.”


Xyla suddenly found herself thinking about Genakex. She shook her head, saying, “Uh, I see.”


A sly smile crossed Aile’s face. “So, is Genakex on to your tsundere act yet?”


“What?!” Xyla asked. “I-I-I’m not tsundere!!”


“Xyla, I know tsundere when I see it. After spending so much time with Sparky, I can practically smell it. So how about we cut to the chase and you just say ‘yes’ or ‘no’?”


A few other words crossed Xyla’s mind first. After setting them aside, she mumbled, “…Yeah. I think he is.”


“Then he’s not gonna give up. He may not be as enthusiastic about it as I am, but the persistence will definitely be there. And, as someone who has spent decades being on the ‘tsuntsun’ end of tsundere, I’d like to encourage you to try and shift towards the ‘deredere’ side. No…no not encourage—beg is probably better. Being targeted by all that tsuntsun is no fun…”


Xyla looked away, grumbling, “Sure, I’ll consider that.”


“That’s all I ask,” Aile said. “Anyway, I’m hungry. I’ll see you later.”


Aile left the Battlefield next. Xyla, left to herself now, sighed, “Why are so many of the Original Element-Lord insane?”


Recommended Comments

Hehe, I can totally relate to the dynamic between Aile and Zempest. I've actually been both the tsundere and the overly affectionate one at different times. :P


You know, I think that the references to "tsuntsun" and "deredere" would seem out of place if it weren't for Aile's already hyperactive personality. I'm going to take a wild guess and say that the incident with Norscu is the reason that Aile prefers not to intervene unless she absolutely has to.

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Just rereading through your 'Void Letters' (cos I remembered this particular excerpt) and I gotta say... this woulda been funny as all heck if Phaenyx was in the shot.

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