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The Good and The Bad Gaming News of the Day



Today has been an eventful day in gaming. There was a lot of good and bad that happened today.


The Good

Lego City: Undercover now has a release date in the UK thanks to today's European Nintendo Direct. You guys can pick it up on March 28th.

The Wii U lineup just got a lot better, Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker HD, and an Untitled Zelda were announced.

Untitled 3D Mario and Untitled Mario Kart will be fully unveiled at E3.

Super Smash Bros. Wii U and 3DS will have the first details and screenshots shown at E3.

Yarn Yoshi, or Yoshi's Epic Yarn looks simply adorable.

Miiverse will be getting new features. The ability to create user communities, more than one official communities per title, usability improvements, filtering function, the ability to browse Miiverse from smartphones beginning this spring and it will have a special smartphone app in the future

Virtual Console will be getting GBA games! Also if you transfer games over from the Wii, upgrades will cost $1 to $1.50. The games will have more features such as off TV play.

Monolith Soft has a new game coming tentatively titled X.

Fire Emblem and Shin-Megami Tensei crossover game will be coming here too.

Wii U will get needed system updates in the Spring and Summer.


The Bad

Virtual Console games are getting a slight price increase. For NES: $4.99 – $5.99 SNES: $7.99 – $8.99

THQ is officially no more with most of the studios and IPs having been sold off to various companies.

G4 which was once a gaming giant has aired the final episodes of XPlay and Attack of the Show today.




A lot was announced today by Nintendo as it was almost a mini E3, I'm personally looking forward to their E3 showing even more. I am very excited for what is coming on the Wii U this year.


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Nintendo brought their A-Game to the Direct today. I was really surprised, I thought it'd be more a focus on details for already-announced games. Might start looking into a Wii U after next E3.


Sad day for THQ though, especially since the studios that weren't sold off (like Vigil Games) had to shut down. Hopefully the folks working there can find another place in the industry.

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The scary thing is that they said they'd have another Nintendo Direct like this one for 3DS. There's more!?


But yeah, sad to see THQ pass on...Hope everyone out there who lost a job gets along alright =/

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...if you transfer games over from the Wii, upgrades will cost $1 to $1.50.


Not good. Personally, I don't see why I should have to pay for something I've already bought. It's not expensive, true, but it's the principle of the thing, having to buy a game (an old game, too!) twice.

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I was less than impressed with the direct. No concrete info on the Zelda game, a shiny distraction so that everybody thinks Nintendo is awesome, GBA games for the Wii U and NOT the 3DS (seriously? C'mon), and vauge "we'll show things later!" every other second.


That SSB will be at E3 was probably the best nugget available; it's what I was most concerned would fall by the wayside.

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...if you transfer games over from the Wii, upgrades will cost $1 to $1.50.


Not good. Personally, I don't see why I should have to pay for something I've already bought. It's not expensive, true, but it's the principle of the thing, having to buy a game (an old game, too!) twice.


You are pretty much paying for the upgraded features.


I was less than impressed with the direct. No concrete info on the Zelda game, a shiny distraction so that everybody thinks Nintendo is awesome, GBA games for the Wii U and NOT the 3DS (seriously? C'mon), and vauge "we'll show things later!" every other second.

That SSB will be at E3 was probably the best nugget available; it's what I was most concerned would fall by the wayside.


New Zelda is a good thing. We got confirmation on one Zelda, this one is being built from the ground up. It takes time.

Keep in mind it was a Wii U Nintendo Direct, not a 3DS Nintendo Direct. If they confirm GBA games they will do it during the 3DS Nintendo Direct they have planned.

They confirmed a bunch of things for E3, when they could have said nothing. Some news is better than No news.


To ignore the Wind Waker news makes me sad. And they said we will only get screenshots at E3. We still won't be getting the games soon.

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I would personally rather have no news than vague news; in my general experience with the gaming community, vague news is always bad, because it's ultimately irrelevant. If you haven't said anything concrete that we can hold you too, you haven't said anything at all. E3 will be much more interesting.

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How is vague news always bad?


We were told we are getting a new Zelda. How is that bad?

We were told we are getting a new Mario Kart. How is that bad?

We were told we are getting a new 3D Mario. How is that bad?

We were told we were getting Smash Bros. news at E3. You yourself said this was the best nugget available.


Looks to me like E3 will be plenty interesting as there are such vague announcements of what to expect.

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