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Going 90 To Nothing

Watashi Wa


Boy, these past few weeks have been ca-razy. If you haven't noticed that I've been absent from BZP, here's why:


As you know, it's Spring, which means school is drawing to an end for most of us. As you get into the higher gardes, teachers love to throw projects at their students. Unfortunately for me, I was assigned about 4 projects at the same time, and as their due dates draw near, it looks like crunch time is hear.


The first project I was assigned was a 900-1100 word research paper discussing why the author we picked wrote the way he did. Most of the hard parts of the paper have passed (note cards, actually writing the rough draft) but now I've got the little things like actually typing the paper and outline lingering over my head while I have to finish other projects. The paper won't be heard to finish, if only I didn't have plenty other things to do.


Next, I've got this History project. We are supposed to have a 20 minute presentation about any subject we chose from within the past 100 years that has greatly affected our culture. Two other friends and I chose to do ours on the history of video games. We knew all along that we were going to do a PowerPoint and not we actually have to put the thing together. I'm the one mostly putting it on the computer, and they are mostly finding the information to put on the powerpoint. Hopefuklly, our teacher will like our project, because she wasn't too happy with the rest of the class's projects.


And the, we've got Jr./Sr. coming up, and another friend and I were given the lovely task of making the Sr. Slideshow. The only good thing to this is that I get excused from alot of unnecessary classes to work on this thing. W're mostly done so far, but we still have to record all of the Jr.'s blessings to the Sr.s and time them just right with the slideshow.


And of course, 2/3 of these projects are due this week, and what else should come up but the school play? Not that I'm actually -in- the play, all I do is work the soundboard. That should be fun this year too, because we're actually doing a musical. Hopefully we'll get out of class to rehearse and won't have to stay after school.


And then, there's work. Supposedly I'm doing such a great job that I've been offered the position to move up to a keyholder. That would rock getting more hours, but as my manager said, it wouldn't really be much of a raise (only 8%) and with that much responsibility at such a young age, she's tryin real hard to get me a bigger raise. Oh, and it doesn't help that she's also leaving in 2 weeks, and so is another key holder.


So that's the rundown of what I've been doing this past week and what 'll be spending my time on this week. Fun, eh?


(if there are any wicked typos in this, it's cause I can hardly see the screen because I took my contacts out already :P)


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Yikes, sorry to hear that you're going through all of this. You paper about the author sounds very similar to my paper, except for the fact you get a humungous break with 900-1100 words from what I'm doing. Good luck on everything.

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I can still recall my first all-nighter with PowerPoint.

Just remember: when Clippit starts talking back, it's time to crash. :P


What's your contact lens prescription? Mine is -5/-5.25. (I forget which eye is which: I wear glasses almost exclusively now.)



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