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TechReady 16: Death Star Build



Two days ago, I put in the longest work day I've had to put in since I started working for The TbP Group (Dan Parker's company encompassing his commission work, his educational camps and events), namely 16 hours in one huge shift. This blog entry is about that.


What did we do during this lengthy 16 hours, one may wonder? During the 10:30 to 1:00 pm hours, not much. It's when we hit 2:30 up in Seattle, WA that the fun really began.



The event we were at was held at CenturyLink Field, home of the Seattle Seahawks and the Seattle Sounders FC. We were in a lounge area on the 5th floor, with a relaxing suite for ourselves on Level 6 (reserved for various partners of the stadium and private suites. We missed out on Vulcan, Inc's box. How sad.)


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Inside of our personal suite, we had the accommodations one might expect from a Seahawks game, minus the adult beverages (didn't matter, we had work to do.) Personal note, I would -love- to have that jersey configuration on my wall at home. Etched glass required. Get the newer Sounders jerseys though.


So now you may wonder, "Swert, why are you linking to amazing scenery of CenturyLink Field? And how does this relate to 16 hours of work?"





At the event, we were tasked with building up the nearly six-foot Death Star model we have. This is only the second time we even used this model for an event. It is truly amazing to see it again.



My boss, Dan Parker, poses with the model on a very candid shot I took while finally taking a seat. It took us 5 hours to assemble, and the remainder of the night to midnight Friday morning to finish. After 14 hours of work, we then started taking it all down for two hours, going back the next day early Friday morning just taking the rest down.


It was a truly amazing experience, and I look forward to more to come. In the meantime, feel free to comment on any aspect of the build, including the TechReady 16 logo (That was commissioned for lease, I built the main hexagon logo in less than a day. It wasn't easy, but I got it done.)

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I didn't even realize the TechReady logo was made of LEGO at first. :P Nice job on the logo there.


And I still love that massive Death Star.

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