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Job Interview



Went to a job interview last Friday, for a "startup" that's been going for a couple of years already. They need a webmaster, somebody to do everything from site architecture to web app development to blog setup and maintenance to UI design. Sounds exactly like what I do, so I'm hopeful that I'll get a call this week. They do internet security work - more than that I can't say. Mostly because I don't know much more than that.


Turns out a lot of the skills they're looking for are things I've learned by doing LEGO-related websites, especially ILENN and BZP. So maybe doing LEGO sites will help get me a nicer long-term job (as opposed to the contract work I've been doing since November). It sure sounds a heckuva lot more interesting than what I'm doing now (which isn't bad, just kinda boring).


The good part would be getting into a really nice job and office environment (near the top of the tallest building in Portland - OMG the view rocks), the potential downside would be less time for BZP and LEGO stuff. It's always a tradeoff.


Hopefully writing about it won't jinx it.


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good luck, and judging as how you put everything off for the Bink Tower, you'll find time for Lego if it means pulling all-nighters. (I'd love to do that, just stay up all night building!)




PS, I really have to check out ILENN. It was mentioned once on the frone page of BZP and then "forgotten." (heck, I don't remember what it's for totally)

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I finally fixed ILENN, it had had some problems with too much data, but I took care of that. So it's back up and running. There are suggestions that I redevelop it and integrate it into LEGOFan.

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