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Power Outages And Birthdays



Well, one heckuva storm came our way, and we lost power. So we were looking for flashlights (the basement has barely any light) and trying to get ourselves in order, and it took a while... We (me, my mom, and my sister, my dad had to go to work) went out to Brigham's for breakfast, and man, was it raining like you wouldn't believe. Crazy winds too. So a while after we got back the power came back on but I had no internet access for a really complicated reason. And finally I got back online...


Today's my dad's birthday, so we got him a present and made a cake for him. Mmm. He turns 51 today, also. Woo! That cake's gonna be deliiiiiiicious... Mmmmmmmmmmm..................



I finished rereading Artemis Fowl today... Very fun reading it, I'm always surprised by how fast I read some books...


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Oh, I live in Illinois........I think I'd be able to believe your rain..........We have weather that you wouldn't believe!...........Oh such rain we have.......It is delicious............


I've also suffered through a power-outage that spanned for two days..............You only got a couple hours..........

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Hey, BK, you think two days is bad? When we had that ice storm here in Ohio, I didn't have power or heat for a week... It stunk. No internet, no tv, no movies, no nothing for a week...

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