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The 85th Academy Awards

Jean Valjean


:kaukau: This is the first year I've ever bothered to watch the Academy Awards Ceremony. Part of this is because I have been following Spielberg's Lincoln for quite some time. I have a great reverence for Spielberg, and to anticipate him doing a biopic of one of the greatest presidents with Daniel Day-Lewis was a worthy wait. Then I saw the advertisements, and I instantly knew that it was going to be a powerhouse performance. I watched the movie, and it was the first time in a while that I have been blown away by a recent performance.


With that said, I'd vote for Day-Lewis for Best Actor. This would be an unprecedented third win, but he earned it. It was that good. It's the obvious choice, which might annoy some, but Day-Lewis's skill can more or less be summed up in an advertisement for the ceremonies where Seth MacFarlane said "I'm Seth MacFarlane and I will be hosting the 85th Academy Awards. Except I'm not Seth MacFarlane. I'm Daniel Day-Lewis. I'm that good."


I thought it was funny, because Day-Lewis blended so well into a role so recognizable, it was a real big achievement. Not to mention the role, Abraham Lincoln, has a presence and a sense of gravitas that, combined with great talent, leads to an unlikely performance with the exact kind of impression that makes for an Oscar.


Of the other nominees, there's also Jackman as Valjean, and as much as I'd like to see my namesake win for Best Actor, I wasn't impressed by Jackman's performance. Unfortunately, I haven't seen the other actors. They might actually have a chance, if only because Day-Lewis has two Oscars already and his performance will be legendary already.


For actresses, I'm not really a fan of any of the nominees, even though many of them are talented. Also, I haven't seen any of their performances. From what I hear, the one I want to win is Quvenzhané Wallis. Everything about her performance sounds cool. The other that stands out to me, from what I know of the performance, is Emmanuelle Riva.


For best movie, Lincoln was my favorite film of 2012, but I heard good things about Argo, including from my exceptionally picky uncle, so I'm going to give it the benefit of the doubt and hope that it wins. Besides, Lincoln already has the claim to 12 nominations, the most of any movie this year, just as I knew it would. I thought that Les Miserables was good, but I'm not rooting for it. I wouldn't mind seeing Amour, The Life of Pie, and Beasts of the Southern Wild winning. For best director, the only ones I really see winning are Stephen Spielberg and Ang Lee.


What else is there before the Oscars officially start in a few seconds? Oh yes, I want "Suddenly" from Les Miserables to win for Best Original Song.


Well, that's it, guys! See you all soon!




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Ha. Good luck. You'd need to seriously brown nose a bunch of rich middle-aged tightwads who refuse to see anything that's remotely fantastic as worthy of anything.

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Well good luck to you anyway I found this piece of advice you might find helpful. If you want to win make a film about a handicapped person who struggles to win or rise to the top that always gets them. Here's that piece of advice for making a Oscar film.


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Ha. Good luck. You'd need to seriously brown nose a bunch of rich middle-aged tightwads who refuse to see anything that's remotely fantastic as worthy of anything.
I don't know, Life of Pi won a lot of stuff last night.
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Dear Xaeraz:


You're so silly. Just because a movie is enjoyable doesn't mean it can be considered great or influential. Everyone knows that the masses pander to shallow films with little virtue rather than the true classics of our time.



-A Middle-Aged Tightwad

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:kaukau: I, of course, kid about directing a movie that would win 18 Oscars, though that would be awesome, and I'd have to wonder just how awesome a movie would look if it did win that many.


And Scanty Demon, that's totally true, and I'm really familiar with what makes for Oscar Bait, since I tend to watch through everything that gets nominated for Oscars. If I wanted to make a story Oscar worthy, I have a fairly good idea of what sort of thing to present.


As it happens, I like a lot of Oscar films. There are some winners I disagree with, but the form of class associated with the Academy awards...I'm pretty aware that these awards are really sort of judged by peers. Which means that I'm under the impression that actors were looking at each other's performances and getting an idea of their favorites, and judging for Best Director was done from a director's viewpoint, and so forth. I would love to make a film like The Hobbit, but at the same time, as a storyteller I'm interested in the Academy feel for storytelling.


As people are going to see soon enough, I love movies. I love all sorts of movies, and not just what's popular. Like, I'm aware that The Hobbit and all of the superhero films are popular, but I also understand why they're not nominated for stuff. A friend of mine called that a disgrace, but I disagreed and was very accepting of the position that these films had in culture. They're still icons in popular culture, but the Academy isn't really into what's popular. Day-Lewis won for Best Actor, as I expected, and that makes sense, because if you want a face to add to the Academy's collage of legendary performances, that would be one. They believe in a certain style of classic cinema, and that's why I heard music from Gone With the Wind, Schindler's List, Forrest Gump, Jurassic Park, E.T. the Extra Terrestrial, and Singin' in the Rain playing throughout the ceremonies. It's the type of music that can represent all movies in general and not just one, so there are some popular scores out in recent memory that won't really be represented. There's also a reason why sound editing and mixing are still valued, as well as makeup artists and production designers.


However, this is a really deep thought to ponder, and I think that I will explore it in my next blog entry after my initial reactions to the ceremonies last night.



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Dear Xaeraz:


You're so silly. Just because a movie is enjoyable doesn't mean it can be considered great or influential. Everyone knows that the masses pander to shallow films with little virtue rather than the true classics of our time.



-A Middle-Aged Tightwad

Hey man, all I'm saying is that it's a crying shame that we see such pitiful failures of cinematography as Argo and Paperman winning awards when we're not giving credit where it's due. To the truely genius works, like Troll 2 and Birdemic.

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I officially declare my hopes that The Rocky Horror Picture Show wins every category in this Oscars.


Rocky Horror Picture Show is the greatest achievement of humanity

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