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Top Ten Tuesday #8: Series I'd Like To Start But Haven't Yet



Top Ten Series I'd Like To Start But Haven't Yet

  1. Lord of the Rings, by J.R.R. Tolkien. I'm reading it this year, over the summer. I'm not letting myself go another year without doing so. Reasons are obvious. Although technically I guess I've started this, but that was years ago.
  2. Jack Reacher, by Lee Child. I love Vince Flynn and Tom Clancy and Alex Berenson and Ben Coes and Stephen Hunter. As another master of thrillers, I've always wanted to read Lee Child's books. Not to mention the new movie looks fantastic, but I'm waiting to watch it until I read the book.
  3. Alphabet Mysteries, by Sue Grafton. I love mysteries and I've heard Grafton is good. Plus I love the idea of the books named after a letter of the alphabet.
  4. Wheel of Time, by Robert Jordan. After reading A Song of Ice and Fire, by George R.R. Martin, I've been craving to read more epic fantasy stories. After LOTR, this is the second fantasy series I want to read most as I've heard it's amazing.
  5. The Dark Tower, by Stephen King. Really just anything by Stephen King, but I've heard this series is good.
  6. Star Wars, by Various Authors. A lot of people seem to like them, so I want to give them a try.
  7. Hannibal Lecter, by Thomas Harris. Seems like an awesome(ly dark) character. And also so I can finally see the movie Silence of the Lambs, because I've been waiting to read the book.
  8. Chaos Walking, by Patrick Ness. A Monster Calls is one of my all-time favorite books. It'll be fun to read some of his other work.
  9. Lord Peter Wimsey, by Dorothy Sayers. I love classic detective fiction, and Dorothy Sayers is one of the masters. I'm really excited to get all of her books (I only have three, and two short story anthologies, unfortunately) and read them.
  10. The Presidential Agent, by W.E.B. Griffin. I've had this whole series for a while now, so it's about time I started it.

~ Velox


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Wheel of Time, finally! It's taken you long enough.


Also if you want more fantasy like that, read stuff by Brandon Sanderson. He's actually the guy that finished WoT after Jordan died.

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I'd like to read #1 as well....


But it's taking an eteeeernity to get through all of #6. :P


Not that you'd have to read all of them, of course, but I want to heh.

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@ Omar ~ Haha, yeah, enough people have recommended it to me that I've finally decided I'll get the first book the first time I see it at a used bookstore. =P And it's on my "series I want to start" list.


@ ET ~ Yeah, I'm not really planning to get through all of them, haha. I mean, who knows--if I like them enough then I'll read a lot, if not all. Really just depends on how much I end up liking them. I have the leather-bound B&N collectible edition of the novelizations of the original trilogy, so I'll probably start with that.

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Having read quite a bit of SW, I can say that the quality of the franchise varies wildly, and unless you really love the universe or know the authors than each book is hit and miss on its own. That said, I would strongly suggest the Thrawn Trilogy for a fantastic beginning, as well as any other SW novels by Timothy Zahn. They are the books that got me hooked, and compelled me to trudge through a lot more books that weren't quite as good. :P


Also, good luck with LotR.

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@ Roablin ~ Ah, yeah, I've heard a lot of good things about Timothy Zahn and the Thrawn Trilogy. Those will probably be the first I'll read after the original trilogy (or even before, who knows). Thanks for the recommendation! I probably would've forgotten, haha. And yeah, thanks--it's been about ten years since I've tried to read through them.

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