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Lego Simpsons?



So LEGO's apparently in talks with Fox to work out a deal to make sets for... The Simpsons.


That's, uh, cool I guess. I mean, they're already yellow, so they'll make sense in classic minifig colors. :P


But The Simpsons is for a bit more of a mature audience, so I'm slightly confused why they'd go this route. But oh well. They'd probably sell.




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I don't like this and really hope it's not true, because The Simpsons just doesn't work with LEGO for me. I get the physical appearances, and why people would make their own Simpsons sets, but LEGO making sets for something with 'mature themes' just doesn't sit right with me.


- Indigo Individual

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I've never seen The Simpsons as anything other than a cartoon for older kids with certain elements to keep adults entertained. Are newer episodes more adult-orientated?


The show airs at 6pm every day here, which isn't past the 'watershed' of 9pm, which makes it okay for families and such. So I don't see the problem, unless it's taken a drastic turn in recent series. I haven't watched in years.

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The Simpsons never really sat with me as an adult, or mature, cartoon. I used to watch it with my family when I was eight, and while there are some occasional suggestive jokes, it's no more than in other cartoon series from what I've seen.


Family Guy, on the other hand...

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Well, I don't know about you but many of the Simpsons episodes I've tried to watch recently revolve around these 'themes', and they don't even try to be subtle about it. I'd be embarrassed watching most episodes of it with my family. It's not as bad as Family Guy, sure, but I definitely wouldn't consider it LEGO-friendly.


- Indigo Individual

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I've never seen The Simpsons as anything other than a cartoon for older kids with certain elements to keep adults entertained. Are newer episodes more adult-orientated?


The show airs at 6pm every day here, which isn't past the 'watershed' of 9pm, which makes it okay for families and such. So I don't see the problem, unless it's taken a drastic turn in recent series. I haven't watched in years.


Some recent episodes have been rated TV-14, which is the same rating Family Guy and the other Seth Macfarlane shows have. It also airs as part of the exact same programming block as Family Guy and the other Seth Macfarlane shows, Animation Domination, which airs mostly before that supposed "watershed." And what exactly is your definition of a kid? Because I don't think most average kids would even get the vast majority of the jokes in the Simpsons. Ex. one of the recent episodes was a satire of the hipster culture. I'm not sure anyone who isn't in at least high school would even know what hipsters are, let alone why they're funny.


Of course, all of this is ignoring the big elephant in the room, which has nothing to do with the appropriateness of a Lego license based on the Simpsons, but rather the value. The fact is, the Simpsons has long since ceased being nearly as sucessful and as popular as it was in its heyday. Many of its most devoted fans also think it should have ended about 15 seasons ago, around the time when in their eyes the characters started being unlikeable caricatures of their formers selves, and the jokes started becoming increasingly stale and late. Case in point: episodes like "How I Wet Your Mother," whose entire plot and most of its jokes revolve around a parody of a movie that was released two years earlier, instead of the more simple and touching family-oriented humor and plots the show used to be known for.


Regardless, a license like this would be a HUGE risk, and after being faced with Lord of the Ring's less than stellar performance, I hope TLC isn't reckless. This kind of haphazard licensing was one of the prime reasons the Dark Ages were so terrible, and I would hate to see something like this greenlit instead of them, say, coming up with another creative non-licensed theme.

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