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If I Had One Chance To Tell You Something....

Kopaka's Ice Engineering


...I'd say it'd be well worth your time to pick up Rebecca St. James' latest CD, entitled the same as this blog entry. I could say more, but she's already articulated most of it.


As I told Lady K last night (I got to talk to Lady K on YIM! I feel so important! *squeee* ;)), "God Help Me," the first track on said album, is my newest favorite song. It talks of a early-life crisis in the singer's own life. And I can identify with her, as I'm about 4, maybe 5 months younger than she: as I'm careening towards 30, I have to wonder what has become of the front end of "the summer of my lifetime": what, if any, impact I have made, and why I am still nagged with the thought that I've just spun my wheels thus far.


27½ years old gives you a great sense of mortality, especially in the face of the deaths of 30 someodd college students.


I don't know anyone that goes to school in Blacksburg. I'm 5 years removed from my own undergraduate studies. Just like Columbine in 1999, my sophomore year of college, it's weird and nothing more. Getting older makes you jaded and walls you up, too.




I dunno, this entry was as much for my own reflection as it is for any of your benefit. Take it as you will.




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KIE, I was the same with you. :P (I got to talk to KIE on YIM! I feel so important!)


I really need to get more of my Rebecca St. James' songs on my comp, she's a great singer.

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I got to talk with her first! (I got to talk to Lady K on YIM! I feel so important!)


Anyway, never heard of that particular singer. I mostly listen to classic rock and country (or Mike Oldfield. That works too).


- :vahi:

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I bought that album for "You Are Loved," because it was constantly playing on the radio and I loved it (no pun intended).


The first song on the album really is good. The music matches the troubled feel of the words, and Rebecca does a wonderful singing job. There have been so many times I end up doing exactly what she does in the chorus...just crying out, "Help me!"




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I got to talk with her first! (I got to talk to Lady K on YIM! I feel so important!)

Actually, KIE was one of the first to talk to me on YIM. :P

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