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Raining Salt?



I had a freaky dream last night. It was so real, I swear... I was in this giant port city or something, called Unisport. I think I was on some sort of tour about legends of witchcraft and piracy (don't ask) when it started raining salt. It stung to feel it, so we (Me and classmates who appeared in my dream) ran for cover under trees, trying to protect ourselves. I pulled the hood of my sweater (The Nightmare Before Christmas one, which I was wearing when I went to bed O_o) over my head and stretched it out, but the salt still kept getting in in little bits. The city was a seaside one, of course, and the water was turning red with blood. We got in a car, and were driving down some sort of highway, trying to figure out what was happening. It was still raining salt. One of the guys was sitting in the seat at the right window of the passenger seats, and his window was down, and suddenly he was just yanked out of the car... We debated over his name (I think he actually didn't exist, his name was Aaron Owens and I don't know anybody in my school by that name) and quickly put up the window and decided not to ask about it. What happened after that wasn't clear, but then it became a dream where one guy was some member of the Justice League of America and he was accusing another JLA-er of killing his girlfriend, and it was strange... Urgh...


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Maybe... I dunno... It would be interesting if one of my dreams was illustrated... This one would make a good comic book or horror story...
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............What the?.............


......Why don't you illustrate your own dreams?.........Like in my surreal comic style?........I'd love to see you do something like that..................

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I only have cool dreams like once I year. But I did have a really awesome one recently. Anyway. I alwys found it difficult to draw dreams because. Theyre all so sureal, but it seems casual in the dream.

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