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I Don't Know How to Stay On-Topic

Pahrak Model ZX


Well, I watched Steins;Gate. It instantly became one of my favorite anime series.


On to BZP relevant stuff. I decided to make a banner for Technic Coliseum--it's not the best, obviously, so if anyone wants to contribute some alternatives, feel free and I'll create a banner section on the first post (or maybe a blog post...). If you want to use the current banner, feel free to.


I also made a Technic Coliseum Master Post yesterday, to keep track of all the relevant links. Probably unneccesary, but it seemed like a good idea.


Also I'm compelled to tell you that the Coliseum has OVER 9000 views but anyway


Brainstorming about the FanonRiders got me contemplating the possibility of writing a RoboRider story. Thinking I'd call it something like "RoboRiders Re:Corruption" (though maybe that's too Kingdom Hearts-y); the RoboRiders cleared their individual realms but never actually met each other and assumed The Virus was gone. In truth, it lived on in the core of the RR world, and a few months later managed to find Failsafe Codes that could shut down each RoboRider and open their programming for editing (since I really want to use the codes from the RR canisters). The Virus used the codes to corrupt the RoboRiders, turning them into Virus Riders, and turned them against the people they were built to protect. However, the villagers were able to find safe places to hide, and constructed four new RoboRiders--Alloy, Gray, Ion, and Wave--with the task of finding where The Virus hid the Failsafe Codes, using them to purify the original Rider team, and then deleting The Virus once and for all. Still in the brainstorm stage.


Also I decided to enter the FFFC yet again. Bond of Heresy proposes the question: what could have happened to Ahkmou after Terideax's death?


Speaking of stories, sorry it's taking so long for the next chapter of Kako. This is the season where my procrastination catches up to me, and on top of that I just don't have motivation to do....well, anything. I'll try to kick myself into doing it soon, though.


I did update the Spirit Index, though. Only two new Spirits thus far: Viridian Bow (a Parasite that absorbs the energy of plantlife to create arrows with special properties) and Red (the Pokemon Champion/player character). I also drew up Spirits based on my FanonRiders, the Cosmic Slizers, and the RoboRiders OS, so I'll try to get those up when I have the time. I was also thinking that maybe I should do something special with the Visorak, King Bohrok/Seven Deadly Rahkshi/Exo-Vahki Squad style. The idea I have now is Visorak Hordika--Visorak who lose control of their venom and end up mutating themselves. I dunno, we'll see if anything comes of that.


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The thing is, I'm really not that good at writing. :P I'm thinking that if I really only have to work on 4 characters (5 counting The Virus), it might end up a bit better than if I needed to make 6-8. Though if it goes well, I could make a sequel involving the rest of the FanonRiders.

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