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Life Update



So... what has been going on in my life for the past month?


Well, we've been running around to appointments almost every day for various things. It has been very exhausting and there hasn't been much time to relax. Needless to say I haven't been on BZPower much, nor have I been able to finish something I've been meaning to get done.


Sadly, the government still sucks at getting us aid regarding Sandy. FEMA money for housing is going to run out soon... and insurance is still trying to not pay anything. Needless to say money is running out and I will be honest I am freaking terrified of what might happen.




In my limited free time and relaxation time I have been playing a few video games on the Wii U and 3DS, in part thanks to a birthday gift of an eShop card from a friend. That went to Animal Crossing/Fire Emblem DLC/The Legend of Zelda Oracle of Seasons/Ages. I have also been enjoying my 2nd Super Metroid playthrough. So gaming has been a good way to relieve a bit of stress. Heck aside from a few other places on the internet it has been the only way of stress relief for us.


Hopefully I can get my big gaming related project online soon. This is something that I've had in my heart in various forms for years. Seeing it come to life has definitely helped keep me going.


I would also like to thank Jedi Master J. He is still awesome and seriously one of the best people I know.


Anyway, I'm going to hope that I can be online a bit more this month. If anything I will be posting my E3 thoughts... if I'm not playing Animal Crossing.


Can we just move to an Animal Crossing town? It seems really peaceful and stable and we could really use that.


My avatar on here and my twitter avatar have something to do with my secret project... I wonder what it is?


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Love you both. <3 Some day you will find your "Animal Crossing town", but in the meantime, I'm very happy you're getting closer to your cherry pie.


If you don't understand that then it's time for you to watch the AC movie.

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Yeah I think I've seen it twice and I want to watch it again, not sure why. :lol: It captures the AC feel really well!


While you won't find a life as perfect as that (making money selling abundant fruit so easy ughhhh), I think you both will discover that life that makes you happy.

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