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Pahrak Plays the Star Force Trilogy

Pahrak Model ZX


I recently ordered the three Mega Man Star Force games off Amazon so I could play through the whole trilogy. In case you’re wondering: Dragon, Berserk X Dinosaur, and Black Ace.


Important things that I learned/was reminded of include the following (forgive the disorganization):

-Harp Note is awesome.

-If you’re feeling lonely, an alien will possess you.

-If you like being alone and are descended from an ancient civilization, you can get your own sentai/magical girl transformation without needing the aforementioned alien.

-Jammers are cool. So are Murians.

-The prototype design for the Fire Leo transformation looks cooler than the final version.

-Playing Dragon version makes Gemini Spark MUCH easier to handle.

-The whole Pat/Rey thing is really heavy for a kids game.

-Zack should have had more character development, and maybe a Wave Change.

-The Real and Wave worlds are steadily blended together as the series goes on, which is a very nice way to show technological advancement.

-Getting all transformations in one version is cool. Waiting for a specific Battle Card to initiate a transformation is not.

-Getting an ability that lets you start every battle transformed is cool. Especially when it doesn’t take up Link Power to equip it.

-Libra Scales SP is, for whatever reason, harder to find than the other SP bosses.

-Geo X Sonia and Geo X Pat are awesome ships.

-Luna is bossy and takes the fun out of tsundere…but it’s not her fault.

-Mr. Shepar is a perfect teacher.

-Plesio is adorable.

-Burai is Vegeta.

-The endings are all pretty similar, so it gets a bit repetitive.

-“Whazzap” is probably THE worst name for a country ever.

-Wave Command Codes are broken. Incredibly fun to use, though.

-Noise Kaizou Gear is less broken, but for some reason they still took most of it out of the English version of SF3.

-Pat should’ve had more importance after SF1. He also should’ve been able to form a Brother Band with Geo at some point.

-What’s really cool about the final chapter of Star Force 1 is that it involves you doing things in the Real, Wave, and Cyber Worlds. SF2’s finale keeps you in the Wave World, and SF3 ends with a Cyber Core.

-Several characters could’ve used more development, especially specific EM bodies *cough*UMAs*cough*

-Burai Noise makes me glad I don’t have friends.

-There should have been more work put into justifying FM-ians changing sides (Lyra, Taurus, apparently Cygnus and Wolf…)

-Harp Note should’ve gotten the second Noise Control Program (you get Ace Program, she gets Joker Program and vice versa). And then you can fight her when she’s Noise Changed, and half-way through she’ll Finalize. It would’ve been awesome.

-It would’ve been neat to have a bonus for beating a boss while in the Noise Change based on them, but not all of those bosses are in this game, and I can understand there being concerns about having too many bosses.

-Ace is awesome.

-More interplanetary travel would’ve been cool. But maybe they’ll do more of that in the next series…if there is a next series…

-I wish there was a way to influence what Noise Changes and Illegal Data you get.

-It frustrates me to no end that V3 bosses can pop up ANYWHERE in SF3.

-The name/title “Crimson Dragon SP” kinda falls flat in comparison to “Andromeda Infinity” and “Ra Mu Xa” (whatever that means). Probably because every boss from SF1 and 2 had SP forms.

-It infuriates me that Vista Point was removed in 2 and 3. It was such an important location in SF1!

-The end of SF3 is a satisfying conclusion to the series. It also leaves it open enough for fanficition!

-Something I’m a little unclear about…during the battle with Crimson Dragon, Mega Man Finalizes for a scripted battle. Is that the only canon instance in which he Finalizes? It would make sense—Noise builds up over time, and at that point he’s IN the Meteor Server. Maybe he was always in Form Out at first, then switched to Color Out at some point in the story, until Finalizing in that battle? Hm…

-I may dislike Luna as a person, but as a character I feel she has very steady development over the series.

-Geo also has really good development. SF1 shows him learning to reach out and let people in. SF2 deals with him getting comfortable with his role as Mega Man and finding out just what that role is. SF3 shows him confidently settling into that role and leaving behind the last remnants of his tendencies for isolation.

-Jack, despite only being around for the last game, also has some pretty good development.

-As I understand it, SF2’s bonus chapter and all the bosses you have to fight in it are all in one area, which is very convenient. It’s annoying to reach a gate or satellite and have to pulse out, find something, and come back only to hit another gate/satellite. At least SF3 doesn’t require you to hunt down random encounter SP bosses…

-Before and during SF1, FM-ians = Skakdi.

-Checking up on Planet FM in SF3's bonus chapter was really neat.

-I really, really want to know the remaining members of Project-TC.

-Also, the Mega Man Star Force Official Complete Works is an awesome art book.


It was fun, and I’d definitely recommend the series. Except maybe SF2. But I’d recommend at least watching some videos about it between playing 1 and 3. I can't say which is my favorite, but I think SF3 is the most fun to play thanks to Noise Change. Anywho, still want to look up some videos on the bonus chapters of 2 and 3 and try to beat Dragon Sky in SF1.


Wave Battle!!

Ride On!!


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Yeah, the Star Force trilogy always struck me as Battle Network meets TWEWY (with a little mahou shounen thrown in there).


Definitely a step up from Battle network in that the main character actually had flaws to overcome (Lan always seemed incredibly bland to me), and the bosses from the first game also had genuine insecurities that drove them to do what they did. Unfortunately, the second and third games followed a generic "possession" plotline: I could see Yeti Blizzard coming a mile away, Gerry's motivation seemed really weak, and Terra Condor was just...off (bowdlerization probably had something to do with that last one). The Dealers kind of saved the last game, in my opinion.

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Agreed. Having FM-ians key in on "loneliness waves" was a great way to give characterization to even one-chapter characters, meanwhile SF2...well, there wasn't a lot of character development period. While introducing Mu and using the mysterious animal theme isn't a bad idea, it doesn't fit the space theme of Star Force, so I find that game to be more of a chore.

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SF2 was bad, let's leave it at that; it's main redeeming points were Rogue, the museum thing, the transformations(Ninja Zerker is just awesome(The green Zerker variant, not the grey Ninja)), and I think something else. SF3 is way improved, compared to that. =P


Also, the third game is not a good stopping point, if only because of things that aren't resolved. There's a very good reason I say that, too. You'll find out soon enough.


Also, yes, Sonia and Geo are awesome, and that would have been a cool fight. Would explain why things are different(ESpecially if Sonia got the form outs from the OPPOSITE version).


Also, I'd trade friend codes if you were willing, but due to the wi-fi being incompatible with anything but DSi and up games, that's sadly impossible. =P I still need to totally complete SF3, though, now that I think of it... Stupid 'no trading through mail' thing...


/EDIT: Just noticed the Whazzap thing. I have no clue what the heck the localization team was thinking with that. The original name was Nanska, which makes a lot more sense for the area than a pun. =P

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I'm also a fan of Rogue/Burai, and I do enjoy the Tribe Ons. I know Tribe King doesn't have the best reputation, but what I really like about it is that it is THE ultimate form of Mega Man--there's no rival form that it's on par with, it's just flat out ultimate. In SF2, at least.


Well, it would be interesting to see the series continue, but bringing Kelvin home gives it a nice finality, I think. But if they were to make an SF4, I'd be the first in line to buy it. :P Favorite Mega Man series!


Something interesting I just noticed...if you add up all the transformations in the Battle Network series and the first two SF games, you end up with 103, the exact number of forms available in SF3 (counting both Finalized Noise Changes). Unless my math is off.

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That's very true, yes. =P


Well, bringing Kelvin home might seem like a good finality... But, maybe for the trilogy. But for the overall series, there's a big plot hook they left in. A VERY big one. People may write it off as non-canon, but... The sheer fact that they went to such great lengths to include it is very intriguing. That said, Star Force 4 is so unlikely... It's about as likely as Duke Nu- Wait, that came out. What other games are there that haven't been released for years... Oh. That. >_> We're not going to talk about that. =P


But yeah; Star Force is awesome, and 3 is underrated because of 2's horribleness. It's likely why the series died, along with Capcom's brilliant idea to mess up a great crossover opportunity with a freaking port. One chapter of a freaking port.

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I trust you're referring to the Mu Metal being fused with Mega Man? I would definitely like to see how that plays out, especially if he were to tap into it to fuel a new transformation. It could also be interesting to see how Kelvin's return could affect future developments--it could be a great way to bring in more interplanetary travel (he noticed something during his time in space, Mega Man finds a way to go look into it).


Oh yeah, Operate Shooting Star...I don't think they even tried. After taking a closer look at the terrible, terrible names they gave to NPCs in Star Force (including the gem "Spunky Noob"), not to mention recent incidents such as Legends 3 and Xover, I'm not expecting a whole lot of anything from Capcom moving forward.

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Yeah; him and Rogue are now destined to fight. And wouldn't that be an awesome final battle(Since that was one of the highlights of the end of SF2 for me. That final fight was amazing.)


They didn't, that's the problem. =P I just said we weren't going to talk about that. ;_; But yeah. Not really expecting any new games for Star Force just because of that. Though, the terrible names aren't really indicative, just the incidents. =P

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A final Mega Man vs Burai/Rogue clash would be neat, but the only way for it to really be final would be for something terrible to happen to one or both of them as a result (though it could be toned down to one of them just losing their powers). That's not something I'd really like to see happen, since I like them both. I also think it'd be nice if Solo fulfilled his Vegeta role and ended up becoming a proper good guy, but not sure if that's very likely.

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Oh geez, Star Force. I was way into it a few years back. Shame the series ended on the joke that was Operate Shooting Star.



-The whole Pat/Rey thing is really heavy for a kids game.


"Hey kids! You wanna hear about a guy who got abandoned on a trash heap and went so insane with loneliness that he developed a split personality and decided to blow up the world? I bet you do!"



-Geo X Sonia and Geo X Pat are awesome ships.


What, no Geo x Mega? (Okay, to be fair, it was only the show where the implications got quite that heavy.)



-“Whazzap” is probably THE worst name for a country ever.


That entire scenario made me want to tear out my eyeballs. When Condor-whatsisface revealed his evil plan was to tickle people it was the first time I can remember wanting to turn a game off just because of how unfathomably dumb the storyline had become.



-Pat should’ve had more importance after SF1. He also should’ve been able to form a Brother Band with Geo at some point.


No kidding. Odd choice of character to write out.



-Ace is awesome.
-I wish there was a way to influence what Noise Changes and Illegal Data you get.


Yes and yes.

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Pahrak: Well, you have a point there, yes. I think that a clash like that COULD be resolved without either of that, though. Maybe not have it be 'truly' final(And him instead becoming a true rival in any hypothetical future games after THAT), but instead having a situation like this...


Geo's getting used to normality, and not really having to save the world anymore. Maybe have a timeskip for that respect; though having him be worried about what Rogue had said back then. Then something happens that causes him to transform with the obligatory new PET-like device. After a while, and more trouble, Rogue attempts to take Megaman down... perhaps this causes the new transformations for the game, based off the Mu Metal? Rogue's driven off for the moment, but acts more like he does in SF2, fighting you constantly.


Throughout the game, there's a hint that something else is happening, that's taking advantage of the distracted-ness of Megaman and Rogue; which progressively becomes more obvious to everyone but those two, since Geo's certain Rogue's gone, well, rogue. Fighting in a special place for the 'final boss', Megaman and Rogue clash once more; each going all out, perhaps in a way like the Crimson Dragon fight(Though in a forced way, so that it can seem like a long drawn out fight... Endless supply of cards, perhaps, and obscene amounts of HP for both sides? =P), and then after the fight, something happens to make both of them realize they've been played the entire time. Maybe the Mu Metal is stolen somehow, without Geo being killed? (I mean, if the OOPArts could be retrieved from Mega's stomach without Mega dying...) It wouldn't necessarily lead to another final boss; maybe more toward a Star Force 5, if it was less of a risk at that point. Then Rogue could be more of a rival, acknowledging Geo's strength(Perhaps STILL not always teaming up, but more like what him in Star Force 3 SHOULD have been... As you say, Vegeta-like. Fighting for pride, but not accepting Geo's methods of fighting, at least at first), and fighting, though more like the Protoman fights in the Battle Network series.


There's probably other ways to handle it, but it would be a way to have many bosses without all of them being Rogue, and keeping Rogue alive while ALSO having a sequel hook in case they're less hesitant at that time.


GSR: Yeah... Star Force 2 had only a few redeeming values; it's probably the sole reason Star Force 3 did so poorly in comparison when it did so much right(Except when CoA got a hold of it in terms of the Noise Gear and Custom Server Cards. =P). It was pretty much awesome until the team split, then got awesome again when they had to find Sonia and all that happened, which led straight to the pretty cool endgame. The Whazzap arc was THE low point of that game. Also, that water place is annoying, there's no denying that. I've replayed the game twice and don't think I've found everything on either of them.


/EDIT: Oh yes, I've hesitated so far, because the topics keep dying wherever I go; but would anyone be up for me making a Megaman topic? Would be nice to have some Megaman conversations that aren't one-sided for once, and I'm enjoying this. It's making me want to play Star Force again too, which is an added bonus. =P

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