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Monsters University Review

Jean Valjean






:kaukau: Fret not, those who feared that Pixar could not live up the the standard set by the Toy Story trilogy! Going in, it was difficult not to get anxious that the prequel to the now classic Monsters Inc. would be an unnecessary shoe-in with an arbitrary storyline. One he contrary, everything about this story completely lives up to the original, and adds depth and context to Mike and Sully that feels absolutely right. I watched it and realized "Yes, that's them! That's who they are." It really makes watching the original a richer experience, because seeing where these guys came from adds a lot of weight to the original performances.


Since the advertisements often included original skits that weren't in the movie, I will respect the surprise that this film offers and not let on much. However, the storyline is powerful. There's no villain this time, but the internal conflicts of Mike and Sully tie in really well with Monsters Inc. and really sets the stage for it. So in other words, this is a character driven story, surrounding the journey Mike takes as he tries to break into the scaring program, encounters Sully, and learns to befriend him. They're both very flawed people, and in a very believable way. At first you would think that Mike's the one blameless character, but as the film goes on you can see how his dedication is, in a sense, his greatest flaw as he fails to see other things in life, and when Sully eventually apologized for being bad to him, Mike responds with an equal apology.


The journey here takes several twists and turns, and leads to a satisfying climax and a sense of discovery that should make for a very good crowd pleasure. It is not only true to these characters, but it exposes them for how beautiful they truly are.


And that is truly all you need to know.




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There is a terrible Canon break in the films though.


In MI, Mike, in the beginning scenes, talks to Sully about them in Kindergarten together. In MU, they meet for the first time.


Go figure that one.

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There is a terrible Canon break in the films though.


In MI, Mike, in the beginning scenes, talks to Sully about them in Kindergarten together. In MU, they meet for the first time.


Go figure that one.

Word of God says that the whole "fourth grade" thing was just a "Monster expression" =/

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:kaukau: My family watched Monsters Inc. immediately after seeing this movie, and we caught on to that. We sort of figured that he was saying it more along the lines of "We've known each other since we were in diapers!" You know, an overstatement to get the point across. Hyperbole.


Anyway, it's interesting because the original movie feels like a direct-to-DVD sequel by comparison. Pixar has come a long way. I'm not talking about the story, though. The stories are both equally as good, and it's hard to pick, because the character development is just as profound and as important each time. University has better flow, but Inc. has Boo and that all on its own gives it a better cast.


Interestingly, I have a letter jacket that looks almost exactly like the ones they wear in this poster, except with a white S where the M is. If only I had it with me, otherwise I would have worn it to the movie.


Coming up next: my belated review of 2001: A Space Odyssey. At Nuile's request, since we've both watched it recently.



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