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My parents might be getting a divorce... I can't believe it... I don't want this to happen... It can be fixed, and it's obvious... I don't want my parents to divorce... I feel so awful right now... My dad just called a while ago and told my mom he wanted a divorce and they talked for a while... Then me and my sister talked to our mom and we comforted her... My dad hasn't thought this through, and hasn't considered what it would mean for us, and I'm going to point that out when I see him tomorrow morning... I'm going to talk to him and try to convince him to go to counseling with my mom, to find a solution... It's not like my dad is a heartless, crummy monster, not at all. My dad and my mom have been having some problems, and my mom didn't know the affect she had on him... She's been depressed for a while, especially since her mother, my grandma, died... I hope this can be, and gets, fixed...


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I'm sorry... Just do what you can to prevent it, cause divorce just leads to disaster, and effects many people. I've seen this happen to a few of my relatives...


Talk to them... try to convince them not to do it.

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I've been through this, just three years ago, actually. And you're right, it sucks. It's terrible, it's awful, and in most cases, there are things that can be done to deal with the issues involved.




If you cannot convince your parents to stay together, remember, this is about them, not you. This is their inability to cope, to talk, to connect, to be One in mind and body. This is their failure, not yours.


I wish I could say that it's all good, and that things go back to the way they were. But even if they don't get divorced, things will never be the same.


If it happens, grieve. Don't deny your feelings. Let them out, and let them be. You're in for a hard time, but while things won't ever be the same, they will get better. Your heart will adapt. You'll heal.


I don't know you, you don't know me. But I've got your back. As one person who's been through this to another. I understand.

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