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Update on the last two, three years.

Little Miss Krahka


So here's what I've been up to lately, for those who haven't been following me on other websites.

  • Been playing SWTOR. Lots and lots of SWTOR. So much SWTOR. This is probably the main thing you know if you've been following me on other websites.
  • And uhhh, Mass Effect 3 came out. Its terrible, terrible ending was the catalyst (hurr) for my new dream to become a game developer, specifically one who can make people as passionate about language, history and culture as they are about Mass Effect.
  • Been shifting my focus of study from archaeology to linguistics, mostly interested in how to teach and revive endangered languages because languages are cool and we always need more.
  • Been struggling with anxiety and depression, but I've been getting better and I've been struggling with it for a while now. It was actually the worst when I just wasn't here. This whole coming back experiment is part of Project Reclaim Things I Used To Love.
  • Arcade Fire won a Grammy! That was a while ago. But I'm still glad that it was a thing that happened.
  • Also: Skyrim. Yeah, Skyrim's a good game. I'll make an entry about Skyrim one of these days, but for the record, I am a raging Imperial. If you want to make me very wordily mad, mention that you like Ulfric Stormcloak and think that he has some pretty good ideas.
  • I got a boyfriend. He's not anyone I've ever mentioned in this blog before and I barely mention him online because he's too busy doing SCIENCE to waste his life on video games and blogging the way I do.
  • As for the near future, I'll be going to GenCon with my boyfriend, brother and his girlfriend, so that should be fun. I'm looking forward to lots of good gaming!
  • As for the far future, I've come to terms with the fact that I've got no idea what I'm doing once I graduate. I'd like to go to grad school and focus more on game development, though there'll be quite a bit of work to get from an anthropology degree to game developing degree, though the fact that I'm interested in lending my knowledge towards educational games specifically might make it easier. All else fails, the Peace Corp, teaching English in Japan even if I know it's not super glamorous and I'll never be a manga-ka, and/or moving to an Ojibwe speaking reservation to help out some elders and learn more language.
  • Or maybe learning some programming or IT stuff and writing a science fiction novel because if nothing else, my anthropology coursework has prepared me to be a really good science fiction world builder.


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Down with Ulfric, the killer of kings!

On the day of your death, we will drink and we'll sing!


I have a whole parody song of that about how none of it matters because Alduin's going to eat everyone, but the truth is I'm still a loyal Imperial and one-shotting Ulfric was the greatest moment of my life.

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I've beaten all eight of the class stories plus Makeb on both sides, so uhhhhhh . . . yeah I play this game way too much.

You should finish it, especially if you're playing an Imperial Agent, so that I can feast on your tears.

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