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I'm re-posting this entry.


I've been reading the forums lately, (*Collective gasp*) and I see I need to be a' swingin' the grammar hammar.


First off, and I can't stress this enough, capatalize your "I"s and the letters at the begining of your sentences!


Second, only one exclamation point to a sentence. Having to look at a mile-long string of "!"s can induce brain-poppage.


Third, don't use images in the place of words. They mess up the post, and it just makes you look noobish.


Fourth, emoticons are not cruise controll for cool. Use sparingly.


Fifth, and this is more just common sence then anything to do with grammar, read the posts that come before yours before posting somthing, especially in a topic like this one.


Sixth, if you have to use emoticons, only use the one(s) that fit the context. For exemple: "lol that's funny :lol: :happydance: :wacko: :) :wakeup2: :usa: :rolleyes:" is useing way, WAY too many.


Sevnth, despite what certain people might have you think, caps lock is not cruise controll for cool. In fact, it's more like a horn. It's useful sometimes, but if you use it too much, you'll look like an ######.


And that brings me to the eigth thing, try not to let that string of #'s show up. Use somthing that isn't filtered, without bypassing the filter.


Just do these eight things, and you will be instantly ten times more respected.


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And how.


I'm thinking of doing somthing like this for "comedies" when I have more sleep. I don't want another FL to be driven mad like schizo...

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Yesyesyes you're correct! I hate all those grammatically and intelligence impaired noobs who do that. And emoticons are evil. Stupid little brain-wastes...
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